Ron Goldfarb
Ron Goldfarb
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Ron works in the Physical Measurement Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado, USA. His research is in magnetic metrology, magnetic nanoparticles, and superconductor losses. He was the leader of the NIST Magnetics Group and was the chief editor of the Journal of Research of NIST. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a member of the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society. He was the editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, was the founder and chief editor of IEEE Magnetics Letters, and led the establishment of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. He received the IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Service Award and the IEEE Council on Superconductivity Max Swerdlow award.
- Present Council on Superconductivity Representatives (Non-voting Positions )
- Present Oral History Committee Members (MagSoc Oral History Project Committee)
- 2025-Present President (Officers)
- 2023-Present Ad hoc Subcommittee Members (Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
- Past President-Elect (Officers)
- Past IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, Steering Committee Member (Publications Committee Roster)
- Past Member (Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
- 2023-2024 Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee Chair (Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
- 2019-2020 Publications Committee Chair (IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Editorial Committee)
- 2019-2020 Publications Committee Chair (Publications Committee Roster)
- 2011-2011 Chair (Honors and Awards Committee)
- 2011-2011 Chair (Fellow Evaluations Committee)