

There are 47 Magnetics Society Chapters in existence. Chapters and corresponding Chairs are listed below by IEEE region.

Magnetics Society members are encouraged to contact their local Chapter Chair and request to be added to the Chapter mailing list in order to receive information on local meetings, events, etc.

If you are a local Chapter Chair and would like to share what is happening with your local Chapter (e.g. talks, company or university news, etc.), please forward a summary, photos, or simply a reference to an interesting or newsworthy article to the Chapters Committee Chair for inclusion in the next Magnetics Society Newsletter.

Magnetics Society Chapters Directory

Region 01 (Northeastern U.S.)

Region 02 (Eastern U.S.)

Region 03 (Southeastern U.S.)

Region 04 (Central U.S.)

Region 05 (Southwestern U.S.)

Region 06 (Western U.S.)

Region 07 (Canada)

Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Region 09 (Latin America)

Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)