Award/Recognition Menu
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting for this prestigious grade elevation. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership.
Our Recipients List consists of IEEE Fellows evaluated by the IEEE Magnetics Society. Review the resources linked below to learn about the elevation process.
- About the IEEE Fellow Program
- IEEE Fellow Guidelines
- Steps to Become an IEEE Fellow
- Fellow Program FAQs
- IEEE Fellows Directory
- History of IEEE Fellows
- Fellow Committee Scoring Program
Each new Fellow receives a beautifully matted and framed certificate with the name of the Fellow and a brief citation describing the accomplishment, a congratulatory letter from the incoming IEEE president and a gold sterling silver Fellow lapel pin with antique finish.
At the time the nomination is submitted, a nominee must:
- Have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society
- Hold IEEE Senior member or IEEE Life Senior member grade
- Have been a member in good standing and has completed a minimum of five full years (consecutive or not) of IEEE membership in any grade preceding 1 January of the year of elevation. Note: IEEE Society affiliation membership does not apply.
Non-eligibility: The nominee cannot be a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee, members of the IEEE Board of Directors, the President, Past President, and President-Elect of an S/TC, as well as any S/TC officer to whom the S/TC Fellow Evaluating Committee reports, shall not be a Nominee for a Fellow Nomination evaluated by the S/TC, or members who are prohibited from publishing in IEEE publications.
For contributions to X-ray magnetic spectroscopy.
For contributions to the study of thermomagnetic phase transitions, soft magnets, and magnetocaloric materials.
For contributions and leadership to STT MRAM and GMR recording heads development and productization.
For contributions to metrology of spintronic devices and standardization of magnetic resonance imaging.
For contributions to perpendicular magnetic recording technology for disk drives.
For contributions to the understanding of magnetoelectric effects, domain wall and skyrmion dynamics in nanostructures.
For contributions to nonvolatile memory and spintronic logic.
For contributions to the use of spintronic devices for neuromorphic computing.
For his contribution to the next generation magnetic solid-state memory, logic and sensor devices.
For contributions to the design of magneto-functional materials.
For contributions to magneto-resistive random access memories.
For contributions to integrated signal-power isolation and integrated magnetics
For contributions to electric machinery and drive systems
For contributions to Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM materials and devices
For contributions to the application of spin-transfer torques in nano-scale devices
For contributions to permanent magnet research and magnetic nanoparticle synthesis and characterization
For applications of electrical drives in the aerospace industry
For contributions to spintronics devices and data storage
For contributions to theoretical and computational electromagnetics
For contributions to ultrafast magnetisation manipulation
For leadership in magnetic materials for the electric motor industry
For contributions to the fields of spintronics, magnetization dynamics, and thin film magnetic insulators
For contributions to MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions
For contributions to the development of magnetic materials for sustainable energy applications
For contributions to the understanding of magnetic oxides, interfaces, and nanostructures
For contributions to integrated magnetic and magnetoelectric materials and devices
For contributions to high density magnetic recording and spintronic materials
For leadership in superconducting magnets
For contributions to time efficient design methodology of rotating electrical machines
For contributions to data storage technologies
For contributions to magnetic information storage and spintronic devices
For contributions to digital magnetic tape recording
For contributions to spin-transfer-torque magnetic random access memory
For contributions to magnetic recording
For contributions to Spintronic Integrated Circuit Design
For contributions to materials and device design for spintronics
For contributions to nanoimprint lithography and nanostructured magnetic systems and devices
For contributions to nanoscale magnetic device design, fabrication, and characterization
For contributions to and industrial applications of computer aided design in electromagnetics
For contributions to understanding of magnetic nanoparticles
For contributions to the design and chemical synthesis of new materials with multi-functional properties
For development of electromagnetic sensors and actuators for automotive applications
For leadership in the technology and standards for rectifier, inverter and harmonic-mitigating transformers
For contributions to petri nets and their applications to automated manufacturing systems
For contributions to the understanding of magnetotransport effects and magnetization reversal in nanostructures
For contributions to the understanding and applications of magnetization dynamics
For contributions to finite element methods applied to electromagnetic devices and electrical machines
For contributions to magnetic head-media interfaces and tribology
For contributions to the development and control of stator permanent magnet machines for vehicular propulsion and wind power generation
For contributions to AC induction and permanent magnet electric machines
For leadership in the development of high density magnetic recording technologies and devices
For contributions to magnetic material and spintronic devices for magnetic recording, information processing and biomedical applications
For contributions to heat-assisted magnetic recording media
For contributions to the development and application of high resolution X-ray magnetic imaging
For contributions to spin valve Giant Magnetoresistance sensors for magnetic recording systems
For contributions to high power density electric machines for renewable energy and aerospace applications
For contributions to nanomagnetism and manipulation of spin current
For contributions to the application of numerical techniques to electromagnetic modeling
For contributions to algorithms in computational electromagnetics
For contributions to the design of power electronic circuits and magnetics
For contributions to thin film technology for high-density recording media and heads
For contributions to nanostructured materials and their applications in magnetic recording
For contributions to the analysis, design and manufacturing of high efficiency electric machines
For contributions to nano-magnetic technology in medicine
For contributions to development of super-conducting materials leading to high field magnetics
For contributions to synthesis and charac-terization of nanoscale structures and films for magnetic and magneto-optical devices
For contributions to computational electromagnetics
For contributions to the synthesis and characterization of magnetic exchange coupled films, superlattices and recording media
For contributions to integrated circuit interconnects and integrated inductor technology
For contributions to ultrasonic transducer technology and computer modeling of sensors and actuators
For contributions to hybrid electric vehicle modeling and power control
For contributions to magnetic excitations and magnetization dynamics induced by spin transfer
For development of the finite integration technique and impact of the associated software on electromagnetic engineering
For contributions to multi-component magnetic hysteresis models
For contributions to micromagnetic calculations and computational approaches in spin transport
For contributions to measurement of magnetization processes in thin films and nanostructures
For contributions to technology of amorphous glass-coated magnetic microwires and nanowires
For contributions to the development of nanomagnetism and spin-electronic devices, including spin valves
For contributions to magnetic applications of scanning probe microscopy and microsystem technologies
For contributions to electro-optic devices and heat-assisted magnetic recording
For contributions to the understanding of magnetic excitations, including linear and non-linear spin waves
For contributions to the design of large synchronous generators
For contributions to magnetic measurement techniques applied to information storage systems
For contributions to synthesis and characterization of magnetic bulk and thin films
For contributions to methods and applications of computational electromagnetics
For contributions to magnetic materials and devices
For contributions to nanoscale magnetism and to the development of computational models of finite temperature magnetization dynamics
For contributions to the science and engineering of microwave magnetic materials
For contribution to lightning protection and grounding of power transmission systems
For contributions to signal processing for digital magnetic recording
For contributions to perpendicular magnetic recording and to recording heads and media
For contributions to development of forward and inverse electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation methodologies
For contributions to understanding electromagnetic effects on materials and biological tissues
For contributions to micromagnetic simulation in the field of magnetic data storage
For contributions to bearingless AC motor drives
For contributions to recording devices
For contributions to magnetic and magnetic resonace force microscopy
For contributions to nanocomposites, superconductors, and magnetocaloric materials
For contributions to characterization of magnetic and optical films
For contributions to magnetic recording disk and tape drives
For leadership in the magnetic recording industry