David A. Lowther
David A. Lowther
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David Lowther obtained his B.Sc. Hons (Eng) degree from King’s College London in 1970 and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Brighton Polytechnic (now Brighton University) in 1973 under the supervision of Prof. E.M.Freeman. From 1973 to 1979, he was a postdoctoral research assistant with Dr. C.J.Carpenter working on the modeling of electromagnetic fields with particular application to electrical machinery, In 1979 he joined McGill University as an Associate Professor as part of the newly formed Computational Analysis and Design group led by Prof. P. Silvester, where he has been involved in research covering numerical analysis, the solution of electromagnetic field problems, the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning and design processes for electrical machines as well as magnetic material modeling. He became a Full Professor at McGill in 1986. He is Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the IEEE, and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He joined the Steering Committee of the Compumag Conference in 1978 and is currently the President of the International Compumag Society, and is a member of the committee of the CEFC Conference. In 1978, he founded, along with Professors Silvester and Freeman, Infolytica Corporation – a company that developed finite element-based design and analysis tools for low frequency electromagnetic devices. This company was a world leader in the area and was acquired by Siemens Digital Industries Software in 2017. It is now the electromagnetics group within the Siemens multi-physics analysis software suites. Professor Lowther currently works for both McGill University and Siemens DISW and has published over 300 journal articles and two books.
- 2025-Present Member (Technical Committee)
- 2023-Present Elected Members (Voting) (Elected Members (Voting))
- 2017 IEEE Fellow