The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Constitution of the IEEE Magnetics Society

Article I: Name and Object

Section 1.1 The organization shall be known as the IEEE Magnetics Society, hereinafter called the "Society."

Section 1.2 The objectives of the Society shall be to provide for the professional scientific, literary, and educational needs of its membership in the field of magnetic devices and related topics as defined in the Field of Interest in Article II. Within this Field of Interest, the Society shall strive for the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronics engineering and the allied arts and sciences, and the maintenance of a high professional standing among its members. All activities and operations shall be in consonance with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, and the Operations Manual of the Technical Activities Board, hereinafter called the "TAB."

Article II: Field of Interest

Section 2.1 The Field of Interest of the Society shall be: "Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the fundamental developments, design, and certain applications of magnetic devices. This includes consideration of materials and components as used therein, standardization of definitions, nomenclature, symbols, and operating characteristics; and exchange of information as by technical papers, conference sessions, and demonstrations."

Section 2.2 The Vision of the Society shall be: "The Vision of the IEEE Magnetics Society is to be the leading international professional organization for magnetism and for related professionals throughout the world."

Section 2.3: The Mission of the Society shall be: "The IEEE Magnetics Society promotes the advancement of science, technology, applications and training in magnetism. It fosters presentation and exchange of information among its members and within the global technical community, including education and training of young engineers and scientists. It seeks to nurture positive interactions between all national and regional societies acting in the field of magnetism. The Society maintains the highest standard of professionalism and technical competency."

Article III: Membership

Section 3.1 Regular Society Membership

3.1.1 Regular Society membership shall be available to members of the IEEE as specified in the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.

3.1.2 The official Society membership count of record for purposes of petition and others matters shall be as given in the official IEEE membership records at the end of the calendar year preceding the action at hand.

Section 3.2 Society affiliates and student members, as defined in the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies may participate in Society activities, as provided in said documents, the TAB Operations Manual, and any additional limitations in this Constitution and the Society Bylaws, hereinafter called the "Bylaws."

Article IV: Financial Support

Section 4.1 The Society shall collect dues and fees from its members and affiliates as provided in the Bylaws, in accordance with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, and the TAB Operations Manual. The amounts shall be established by the Administrative Committee of the Society, hereinafter called the "AdCom."

Section 4.2 The Society may charge registration fees for its technical meetings in accordance with IEEE Policy. Registration fees for technical meetings jointly sponsored by the Society and IEEE or non-IEEE entities shall be governed by a suitable IEEE-approved Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, executed by the Society, the IEEE, and the other entity.

Section 4.3 The Society may collect revenues by other means, such as, but not limited to, advertisements, exhibits and the sale of publications, provided that such means are consonant with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, and the TAB Operations Manual, and do not encroach on revenue sources of prior established IEEE groups or sections. Any new sources of revenue not explicitly covered by the TAB Operations Manual must be approved by the IEEE.

Article V: Administration of the Society

Section 5.1 Administrative Committee (AdCom)

5.1.1 The Society shall be managed by the AdCom. The AdCom shall be comprised of 24 elected members with vote, elected officers with vote, and appointed ex-officio members with or without vote, as specified elsewhere in this Constitution and the Bylaws. Not less than two-thirds of the voting members of the AdCom shall be elected members.

5.1.2 The terms of office for the 24 elected members shall be three years. One-third of the members shall be elected each year. Only two consecutive terms are permitted, but eligibility is restored after a lapse of one year. Specific election procedures are as specified elsewhere in this Constitution and the Bylaws.

5.1.3 The AdCom shall elect biennially from its membership a President-Elect and a Secretary-Treasurer, each for two-year terms. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President for a two-year term. A President may not serve more than one term of succession. At his or her option, the incumbent Secretary-Treasurer may elect to stand for the office of President-Elect for the term immediately following his or her term. Specific procedures for the election of officers are given in the Bylaws.

5.1.4 The President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and Immediate Past President are deemed to be elected members of AdCom and to have full voting rights, except that the President or other presiding officer at any meeting of the AdCom shall have no vote except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair's vote can change the outcome of the vote.

5.1.5 The Immediate Past President shall be a member of the AdCom with vote for a two-year term immediately following his or her term as President. The Immediate Past President shall be deemed an elected member of the AdCom.

5.1.6 The other members of the AdCom, to be appointed by the President for two-year terms to coincide with his or her period of office, shall be the Chairs of the standing committees and other office holders with or without vote as prescribed in the Bylaws. These members are ex-officio (by reason of office).
All appointments to these offices with vote are to be confirmed by a majority vote of the elected AdCom members only.

All appointments to these offices with vote are to be confirmed by a majority vote of the elected AdCom members only.

5.1.7 Under certain conditions, any member of Adcom may be removed An ex-officio member of the Society AdCom if appointed by the Adcom or another Magnetics Society committee, may be removed from the position which confers ex-office membership of Adcom, with or without cause, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes of the voting members of the Magnetics Society AdCom present at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, to remove such Committee member. A removal shall require a motion to the AdCom signed by majority of the elected members. An Officer may be removed from office, with or without cause, by, either:

(a) the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes of the members of the Magnetics Society AdCom present at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, on a motion to remove such individual based on a petition to the AdCom signed by by majority of the elected members of the Adcom, or

(b) the receipt by IEEE of a petition signed by at least 10% of the total number of voting members in the society moving for the removal of such individual, a ballot on such motion shall be submitted to the voting members of the society. If a majority of the ballots cast by the voting members for or against such motion are to remove such individual, the individual shall be removed from such positions. A Member at Large elected by the voting members of IEEE Magnetics Society may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a vote of the voting members of the IEEE Magnetics Society AdCom who elected that person, within thirty days following either:

(a) the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes of the voting members of the Magnetics Society AdCom present at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, on a petition to remove such individual based on a petition to the AdCom signed by one-half of the elected members of the AdCom, or

(b) the receipt by IEEE of a petition signed by at least 10% of the total number of voting members in the society moving for the removal of such individual, a ballot on such motion shall be submitted to the voting members of the society. If a majority of the ballots cast by the voting members for or against such motion are to remove such individual, the individual shall be removed from such positions.

5.1.8 In the event that an elected AdCom member is appointed to office or appointed to an ex-officio position with vote, he or she shall stand down as an elected member and be replaced by the remaining unsuccessful candidate from the previous AdCom ballot with the highest number of votes. This line of replacement shall be confirmed by the Nominations Committee Chair. Such newly appointed ex-officio members or officers shall be allowed to stand for election at a subsequent ballot under the provisions of Section 5.1.2, with the proviso that the one-year lapse requirement shall be waived.

5.1.9 Only Society members or affiliates shall be eligible to serve on the AdCom.

Section 5.2 Duties and Responsibilities of the AdCom and the Society officers

5.2.1 Specific duties and responsibilities of the officers are as defined below and in the Bylaws, and as may be further delineated by the AdCom in meeting minutes of record.

5.2.2 The President, under the direction of the AdCom, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. He or she shall preside at meetings of the AdCom and at the Annual Meeting and other general meetings of the Society. He or she shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided in the Bylaws and as delegated by the AdCom and shown in meeting minutes of record. In his or her absence or incapacity, the duties of the President shall be performed by the President-Elect, or in his or her absence or incapacity, the Secretary-Treasurer.

5.2.3 The President shall convene an Annual Meeting of the Society, normally to be held during the INTERMAG Conference. At this meeting, the President and others, as appropriate, shall provide an annual report. There shall be adequate opportunity for comments from the membership. A summary of such comments, if any, shall be reported to the AdCom.

5.2.4 As a member of the TAB, the President shall ensure representation of the Society at all meetings of said board either in person or by a designated alternate in accord with IEEE policy.

5.2.5 The AdCom may utilize the services of the IEEE as bursar for all or part of the Society funds and as provided by the Bylaws of the IEEE and the TAB Manual. If any part of Society funds is received and deposited separately, the terms and conditions shall be in accordance with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, the TAB Manual, the Bylaws of the Society, and any other requirements set forth by the AdCom and contained in meeting minutes of record.

5.2.6 Neither the Society, nor any officer or representative thereof, shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the IEEE, except in accordance with budgets previously approved. Similarly, neither the Society nor any officer shall enter into joint contracts without the approval of the IEEE.

Section 5.3 Sub-Organization of the Society

5.3.1 The Society may enlist the services of a paid contractor to coordinate and administer the business of the Society.

5.3.2 The AdCom may establish standing or ad hoc committees as prescribed in the Bylaws. The Chairs of such committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the AdCom. The terms of office for standing or ad hoc committee Chairs shall not exceed the term of office of the appointing President. An incoming President may reappoint any committee Chair.

5.3.3 Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the appointment of committee members shall be made by the committee Chair with the concurrence of the President and reported to the AdCom. The terms of such appointments shall not exceed the term of office of the President.

5.3.4 The President shall be an ex-officio member with vote of all committees of the Society except for Nominations Committee and Honors and Awards Committee.

5.3.5 On matters that require a vote, the committee Chair shall have no vote on the responsible committee except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair’s vote can change the outcome of the vote (i.e., can vote “yes” to break a tie or vote “no” to create a tie, which causes a motion to fail).

5.3.6 Subject to AdCom approval, sub-groups, taken to include local chapters, may be formed as provided in the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, and the TAB Operations Manual. The nature of such sub-groups and the supervision of sub-group affairs other than by the AdCom shall be as prescribed in the Bylaws.

Article VI: Nomination and Election of Administrative Committee

Section 6.1 Nominations

6.1.1 The makeup of the Nominations Committee and the details of the nomination procedure shall be in accord with IEEE policy and as prescribed in the Bylaws.

6.1.2 The Nominations Committee shall prepare a ballot for the annual election of AdCom members for the upcoming open three-year term as specified elsewhere in this Constitution and the Bylaws. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall consult all members of the AdCom and standing committees, as well as the general membership at large, in seeking ballot nominations.

6.1.3 A provision shall be made whereby Society members can place a nominee on the AdCom ballot by petition. This provision shall be in accord with IEEE policy and as prescribed in the Bylaws.

6.1.4 The Nominations Committee shall prepare a ballot drawn from the incumbent elected and voting ex-officio members of the AdCom for the election of officers as specified in Article V and the Bylaws.

Section 6.2 Elections

6.2.1 The election of new AdCom members shall be made by the full Society membership.

6.2.2 Election of new Society officers shall be made by the incumbent elected and ex-officio AdCom members with vote.

6.2.3 Said elections shall be managed by the Nominations Committee in accord with IEEE policy and as prescribed in the Bylaws.

Section 6.3 Vacancies

6.3.1 Within-term elected member and ex-officio vacancies on the AdCom shall be filled by the President, for the unexpired term only and as prescribed in Article V.

6.3.2 In the event that the President is dismissed, resigns, or stands down for any reason during his or her term of office, the President-Elect shall assume the position of Acting President for the remainder of the term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall remain in his or her position and also assume the role of Acting President-Elect.

6.3.3 In the event that the President-Elect or Secretary-Treasurer is dismissed, resigns, or stands down for any reason, the Nominations Committee shall, in a timely fashion, present one or more nominees to a ballot of the AdCom for the vacant position or positions as needed and according to Section 6.1.4.

Article VII: Meetings

Section 7.1 Technical Meetings

7.1.1 The Society may hold technical meetings, conferences, or symposia, either alone or in cooperation with other IEEE sponsored technical meetings or with other technical organizations, subject to the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, the TAB Operations Manual, and in accord with other provisions in the Society Bylaws. The Society shall sponsor at least one technical conference of international scope each year. Technical meetings jointly sponsored by the Society in cooperation with other IEEE or non-IEEE entities, and for which the Society and the other entity or entities have financial responsibility, shall be governed by a suitable IEEE approved MOU executed by the Society, the other entity, and the IEEE.

7.1.2 Technical meetings, conferences, or symposia sponsored by the Society shall be open on an equal basis to all members of the IEEE. Meeting and registration fee requirements shall comply with IEEE policy. The Society may not sponsor or co-sponsor meetings that are subject to a security clearance of any kind.

Section 7.2 AdCom Meetings

7.2.1 The AdCom shall schedule and hold appropriate meetings for the management of the affairs of the Society as set forth in the Bylaws. Such meetings shall be meetings with the members physically present or meetings by any electronic means, at the discretion of the President. For any AdCom meeting, a minimum notice shall be 20 days for an in person meeting and 7 days for a meeting via teleconference.

7.2.2 For any meeting of the AdCom, either with the members physically present or by any means of telecommunication that allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time, a majority of all the voting members shall constitute a quorum for the official conduct of the business of the Society.

7.2.3 For a meeting of the AdCom for which a quorum exists, either with the members physically present or by any means of telecommunication that allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time, a majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote at the time of the vote shall be required to pass any motion. All participating voting members shall have equal votes. Proxies are not allowed.

7.2.4 For a meeting of the AdCom by any means of communication that does not allow all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time, a majority vote of the full roster of AdCom members eligible to vote shall be required to pass any motion, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and the Bylaws.

7.2.5 The AdCom or any committee thereof may take action without a meeting if applicable (e.g., email voting). An affirmative vote of a majority of all the voting members of the AdCom or any committee thereof shall be required to approve the action. The results of the vote shall be confirmed promptly in writing or by electronic transmission. The writings and/or electronic transmissions shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the AdCom. “Electronic transmission” means any form of electronic communication, such as email, not directly involving the physical transmission of paper, that creates a record that may be retained, retrieved and reviewed by a recipient thereof, and that may be directly reproduced in paper form by such a recipient.

7.2.6 Individuals holding more than one voting position on the AdCom shall be limited to one vote on any matter.

7.2.7 The results of any vote shall be confirmed promptly in writing or by electronic transmission. Said writings or electronic transmissions shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting.

Article VIII: Publications

Section 8.1 Publications undertaken by the Society shall be subject to IEEE policies and to further guidance or controls as prescribed by the AdCom and its designated and duly appointed committees. The Society shall be responsible for the financial aspects of its publications program.

Section 8.2 The President, with the advice and consent of the AdCom, shall appoint a Publications Committee Chair to implement the publication program. The status and duties of the Publications Committee Chair and any other designated positions within this committee, as well as any compensation to be associated with these positions, if any, shall be as prescribed in the Bylaws.

Article IX: Modifications and Amendments to the Constitution

Section 9.1 The Constitution shall be reviewed at least biennially by the Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee. The results of this review shall be reported to the AdCom and included in the minutes of record for the corresponding AdCom meeting.

Section 9.2 Initiation of Modifications and Amendments. Modifications and amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by the Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee, by any member of the AdCom, or by petition submitted to the President by twenty-five or more members of the Society.

Section 9.3 The provisional approval of suitably initiated modifications or amendments to the Constitution shall be by a two-thirds majority vote of the full roster of AdCom members eligible to vote at a duly designated meeting, provided that notice of the proposed modification or amendment has been sent to each member at least 20 days prior to such meeting.

Section 9.4 Each provisionally approved modification or amendment shall be transmitted to Secretary – IEEE Technical Activities for review and submission to Vice President – Technical Activities for approval. If approved by the Vice President – Technical Activities, the provisionally approved modification or amendment shall be published within 15 days, after said approval, on the Society website, and publicized by direct mailing to the membership by electronic means or otherwise, with notice that the modification or amendment shall become binding unless five percent or more of the membership object within 30 days of the publication date.

Section 9.5 If such objections are received, a copy of the proposed amendment along with a ballot shall be sent by e-mail to the membership at least 30 days before the date appointed for return of the ballots, and the ballots shall carry the address and a statement of the time limit for their return to the IEEE. When such a vote of the entire membership of the Society is made necessary, approval of the modification or amendment by two-thirds of the ballots returned shall be necessary for enactment.

Section 9.6 The final copy of the approved Constitution shall be filed with the Secretary, IEEE Technical Activities Board, with its effective date.

Article X: Bylaws

Article X: Bylaws

Section 10.1 Suitable Bylaws shall be adopted by the AdCom for the detailed operation and administration of the Society. Said Bylaws are subject to IEEE approval through the TAB.

Section 10.2 Modifications to the Bylaws may be initiated by the AdCom or by petition submitted to the President by twenty-five or more members of the Society.

10.2.1 Said modifications may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of a quorum of voting AdCom members eligible to vote at a duly designated meeting, provided that notice of the proposed modification has been sent to each member of the AdCom at least 20 days prior to such meeting.

10.2.2 Upon AdCom approval, the proposed Bylaw modification shall be submitted to the Secretary – IEEE Technical Activities for review and submission to Vice President – Technical Activities for approval.

10.2.3 If approved by the Vice President – Technical Activities, the Bylaw modifications shall become binding.

10.2.4 Said modifications shall then be published on the website of the Society within 30 days of said approval.

Section 10.3 The final copy of the approved Bylaws shall be filed with the Secretary, IEEE Technical Activities Board, with its effective date.