The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Bylaws of the IEEE Magnetics Society

Section 1: General Considerations

1.1 Nature of Bylaws. These Bylaws of the IEEE Magnetics Society, hereinafter called the "Bylaws," provide general and explicit instructions for the conduct of the business of the IEEE Magnetics Society, hereinafter called the "Society," and the implementation of the Society Constitution, hereinafter called the "Constitution." The application of the Bylaws shall be overseen by the Administrative Committee of the Society, hereinafter called the "AdCom."

1.2 Modifications to Bylaws. Modifications to these Bylaws may be made as specified in Article X of the Constitution.

1.3 Bylaw Review. The Bylaws shall be reviewed at least annually by the Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee. The results of this review shall be reported to the AdCom and included in the minutes of record for the corresponding AdCom meeting.

Section 2: Membership

2.1 Regular Membership. Regular Society membership is available to all IEEE members, upon payment of the annual fee prescribed in Section 5.

2.2 Honorary Life Membership. Honorary life membership, exempt from payment of the annual Society fee, shall be based on the recommendation of the Honors and Awards Committee, the endorsement of the AdCom, and the approval of the IEEE, according to the procedures given elsewhere in these Bylaws.

2.3 Society Graduate Student Membership. Graduate Student membership confers all the rights and privileges of Member grade, and may participate in Society affairs and activities as provided by the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.

2.4 Society Affiliate and Student Membership. Affiliates and bona fide students at a college or university may participate in Society affairs and activities as provided by the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, subject to any additional limitations imposed by the Society's Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 3: Administrative Committee (AdCom)

3.1 Function. The AdCom is responsible for the operations of the Society. It shall provide administrative support for those who directly manage Society activities. It shall charge the officers and committee Chairs with their specific responsibilities and authority where not specifically covered by the Bylaws or the Constitution. It shall ensure that Society activities are conducted in a manner that advances the professional interests of the membership and the IEEE in general, makes effective use of Society funds, and avoids unnecessary financial risks. Additional provisions are covered in Article V of the Constitution. 3.2 Membership. Article V of the Constitution provides that the AdCom shall consist of 24 elected members with vote, elected officers with vote, and ex-officio members with or without vote, subject to the requirement that at least two-thirds of the voting members shall be elected members. The President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President are included in the count of elected members for the two-thirds rule. All AdCom members must be Society members or Society affiliates.

3.3 Ex-Officio Members with Vote. The ex-officio members of the AdCom with vote shall consist of the Chairs of the eleven standing committees as listed below (in alphabetical order) and enumerated in detail in Section 8 of these Bylaws. The Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee is chaired by the President-Elect and is absent from the list below.

  • Chapters Committee
  • Conference Executive Committee (CEC)
  • Distinguished Lecturer Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Honors and Awards Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Nominations Committee
  • Publications Committee
  • Publicity Committee
  • Technical Committee

3.4 Ex-Officio Members without Vote. The ex-officio members of the AdCom without vote shall consist of the individuals listed below. Details on some of these Society appointments are given elsewhere in these Bylaws. Ex-officio members without vote may submit reports and participate in discussions. Their presence does not count toward a quorum. IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Secretary

  • Director of Operations
  • Newsletter Editor(s)
  • Chief Editors of the Society’s journals
  • Society representatives appointed by the President to IEEE Councils and Technical Communities cosponsored by the Society. Society representatives appointed by the President to special interest groups or working committees in the IEEE.
  • International Relations Coordinator

3.5 Assumption of Office.

  3.5.1 The officers and members of the AdCom shall generally take office on the January 1 in the year immediately following their election.

  3.5.2 In the event of replacements due to vacancies or otherwise, or in the case of newly authorized positions, these individuals may take office mid-term as appropriate.

Section 4: Nomination and Election of the AdCom and Officers of the Society

4.1 Nominations for AdCom Ballot. A slate of nominees for the eight upcoming statutory three-year elected terms on the AdCom, as specified in the Constitution and elsewhere in these Bylaws, shall be prepared each year by the Nominations Committee. Dates given below are intended as guidelines only and not mandates.

4.1.1 Call for Nominations. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall publish a Call for Nominations of candidates for the ballot by email or other electronic means to all members and affiliates by April 15. At his or her discretion, the Chair shall also publish the Call for Nominations in the appropriate issue of the Society Newsletter and distribute nomination forms and instructions via electronic means to the full membership. The Call shall include guidelines on qualifications, including provisions for nomination by petition, as well as details on the required nomination submission. All nominations shall include the full name of the prospective ballot candidate, IEEE member or affiliate number, professional affiliation, if any, full contact information, certification of his or her willingness to serve, and a brief combined biographical sketch and candidate statement. The Call shall include a statement to the effect that incomplete nomination packages may be rejected. The deadline for the receipt of nominations for the ballot shall be June 1.

4.1.2 Nomination by Petition. In accordance with the applicable IEEE Bylaws and Policies for societies with fewer than 30,000 members, a petition bearing the endorsement of two percent of the members of record of the Society shall automatically place the nominee on the ballot. Said petition must be received on or before June 1. Signatures shall be submitted by means of a signed paper petition or electronically through the official IEEE society annual election website, if such a site exists. The name of each member signing a paper petition must be clearly printed or typed. For identification purposes, names and signatures on paper petitions must be accompanied by IEEE membership numbers or addresses as listed on official membership records. Only original signatures on paper petitions or signatures may be submitted by electronic means directly to the IEEE. Facsimiles or other copies of the original signature will not be accepted. Prior to the submission of a nomination petition, the petitioner shall have determined that the nominee named in the petition is willing to serve, if elected. Evidence of such willingness to serve shall be submitted with the petition.

4.2 Selection for the Ballot. The Nomination Committee, having received nominations and valid petitions from Society members and affiliates, shall draw up a ballot for the AdCom election. The ballot selection process shall be completed by July 1.

4.2.1 Qualifications. In general, persons selected for the ballot shall be individuals who have demonstrated service to the Society either as previous or current elected or ex-officio members of the AdCom, members of Society committees, or individuals who have made other significant contributions to the Magnetics Society or to the magnetics community in general. Duly made nominations by petition shall be included on the ballot, irrespective of other considerations.

4.2.2 Ballot Number and Composition. The final number of nominees for the eight positions of the new term may be specified by the Chair of the Nomination Committee after discussion with the members of Nominations Committee. That number, required at least twelve and recommended between fourteen and eighteen, should ensure an appropriate representation of the Magnetics Society in terms of topics of expertise, geographical region and gender as well as academic, research center or industry background. The proposed ballot shall be communicated to the President and the AdCom for comment and approval. If the ballot does not appear to meet the guidelines set out above, the President may ask the Nominations Committee to reevaluate and reconstitute the ballot as necessary.

4.2.3 Documentation of Ballot Selection Process. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a report for the President and the Secretary-Treasurer on the meeting(s) for the setting of the ballot. Said report shall reflect the considerations taken into account in setting the ballot. Said report shall be incorporated into the records of the AdCom. Prior to the actual election, the full membership shall be notified of the full ballot, with those individuals nominated by petition indicated as such.

4.3 Election of the AdCom. The Society shall elect the eight new members from the aforesaid ballot for the new three-year term that commences on the following January 1. The election shall be through a vote of the full membership.

4.3.1 Conduction of Election. The election shall be conducted by the Chair of the Nominations Committee through the offices of the IEEE. The election shall be by direct mail secret letter ballot or by secure electronic means, at the discretion of the Nominations Committee Chair in consultation with the President. The ballot shall be sent to the full membership on or before August 15. The deadline for the receipt of completed ballots or electronic votes, as appropriate, shall be October 15. In the case of a tie vote for the eighth open position, the AdCom shall break the tie.

4.3.2 Records of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall advise the AdCom of the successful candidates through an unranked list. He or she shall also provide the AdCom with a ranked list of the unsuccessful candidates on the ballot. This unranked list of the unsuccessful candidates shall be retained by the President and the President Elect for future use as needed for the replacement of elected members as specified in the Constitution.

4.4 Nomination and Election of Officers. In the alternate years for which the transition to new officers takes place, the Nominations Committee shall request nominations for the ballot for the Secretary-Treasurer and, as needed, the President-Elect, from the current AdCom membership.

4.4.1 Officer Nominees. Nominees for the officer ballot shall be current AdCom elected members and ex-officio members with vote, excluding officers.

4.4.2 Ballot Determination. The Nominations Committee shall determine the ballot and ensure that there are at least two candidates for the position of Secretary-Treasurer.

4.4.3 Officer Election. The Nominations Committee Chair shall conduct the election. Ballots shall be sent electronically to current elected and ex-officio with vote AdCom members on or before September 15. Votes shall be cast by secret mail or electronic ballot. The deadline for the receipt of ballots shall be October 15, Any tie vote shall be resolved by the Nominations Committee Chair. The majority of returned ballots shall determine the election.

4.5 In-Term Vacancies. The filling of vacancies among the elected members and officers of the AdCom shall be as specified in the Constitution.

Section 5: AdCom Operations

5.1 Quorum and Votes to Pass.

5.1.1 Definition of a Quorum. As provided in the Constitution and mandated by the IEEE, a quorum shall be a majority (more than half) of the voting AdCom members.

5.1.2 Passage of Motions at Meetings in Which Participants Can Hear Each Other. Also as provided in the Constitution and mandated by the IEEE, for a meeting requiring physical presence or a virtual meeting in which all participants in the meeting can hear each other at the same time, (1) a majority of voting members will constitute a quorum and (2) a majority vote of the participating voting members shall be required to pass any motion, except when two-thirds vote is required by Protocol. Consistent with IEEE practice, an abstention by a participant who is physically present shall count as a “no” vote.

5.1.3 Passage of Motions at Meetings in Which Participants Cannot Hear Each Other. Also as provided in the Constitution and mandated by the IEEE, for a virtual meeting in which all of the persons participating in the meeting cannot hear each other, a majority of the total number of eligible voting members shall be required to pass any motion, except when two-thirds vote is required by Protocol.

5.2 Meeting Notice and Agenda. No AdCom meeting, at which all persons participating can hear each other at the same time, shall be held for the purpose of the transaction of business unless each member has been sent notice of the time and place and agenda for such a meeting a minimum of 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. For a vote without a meeting by any means of telecommunication at which all participants in the meeting cannot hear each other at the same time (such as message board), a minimum of 7 days’ notice prior to start of the vote without a meeting and agenda are required. Discussion may commence, at the option of the President, with the announcement of the vote without a meeting. The President will commence the voting, and may announce the commencement of voting at any time after start of the vote without a meeting. Voting will remain open for a minimum of 3 days from the start of voting, and duration of voting will be announced by the President at the commence of voting.

5.3 Meeting Operations.

5.3.1 Protocol. The latest edition of the official Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), shall govern the conduct of AdCom meetings on all matters not otherwise specified in these Bylaws or the Constitution.

5.3.2 Modifications to Protocol. Only in an emergency situation, applicable modifications to said rules may be put into effect for present meeting by two-thirds vote of the AdCom, and reflected in the minutes. A permanent change to protocol should be processed as an Amendment prior to the next meeting.

5.3.3 The President shall chair meetings of the AdCom. If the vote is by secret ballot, the President may vote. If voters are identifiable, the President may vote on motions when his or her vote will affect the outcome (i.e., can vote “yes” to break a tie or vote “no” to create a tie, which causes a motion to fail).

5.3.4 Parliamentarian. At his or her discretion, the President may appoint a knowledgeable person who is not an AdCom member to function as Parliamentarian during an AdCom meeting.

5.4 Duties of Officers. This section is intended to serve as a general guide for officers.

5.4.1 Effective Transition of Officers. It is the responsibility of all officers to continue in service until their successors have had the opportunity to be briefed, receive the official files appropriate to their offices, and in other respects assume the duties of office.

5.4.2 Transmission and Archiving of Files. Each officer should transmit the important documentary material from his or her term to the designated successor. The transmitting officer should also identify any materials that may be of an archival nature, and provide same to the President for conveyance, at his or her discretion, to the Magnetics Society section of the IEEE Archives.

5.4.3 President. The President shall supervise the affairs of the Society and shall speak for the Society on all matters not specifically delegated to others. Strong initiative on his or her part is expected. As a member of the TAB, the President should speak for the good of IEEE, as a part of the fiduciary responsibility.

5.4.4 President-Elect. The President-Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President in his or her absence or incapacity. He or she shall work with the President to fulfill such other functions as the Society may require from time to time.

5.4.5 Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer has the dual function to oversee both the administrative records and the finances of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer, in concert with the Director of Operations or Recording Secretary, shall be responsible for keeping the records of the AdCom. In concert with and with logistical support from the Director of Operations or Recording Secretary, he or she shall prepare and distribute meeting notices and minutes in sufficient detail that they constitute a satisfactory record of AdCom meetings and decisions. In concert with the Director of Operations or Recording Secretary, he or she shall maintain a suitable file of minutes, reports, and other primary correspondence for transmittal to his or her successor. This file is the permanent record of the business of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer, in concert with the Finance Committee Chair, shall maintain and track the financial records of the Society. He or she should compare rates of receipts and expenditures with those projected, in order to evaluate, endorse, and transmit for payment by the Society all bills not otherwise provided for specifically in the Bylaws, in order to ensure that all payments are made within the limits authorized by the AdCom. Final fiduciary responsibility for financial matters remains with the Secretary-Treasurer.

5.5 Society Funds.

5.5.1 Receipts and Disbursements. The Society may raise funds as specified in the Constitution, the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, the TAB Operations Manual, and other IEEE directives. The Society may spend funds within the same restrictions. Receipts and expenditures must generally fall within the classifications and allocations set in the approved annual budget of the Society. If the continuing and projected expenditures do not correspond to the approved budget, the Secretary-Treasurer should work in concert with the Finance Committee Chair, the President-Elect, and the President to make suitable recommendations to the AdCom for corrections.

5.5.2 Member, Affiliate, and Student Fees. The annual Society dues for regular, affiliate, and student membership shall be set by the AdCom and approved by the IEEE. The total affiliate fee shall be equal to the sum of the Society dues and the IEEE affiliate fee. Student dues shall be at a reduced level in accordance with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.

5.5.3 IEEE and TAB Financial Management. The IEEE shall act as bursar for all Society funds except as specified hereunder. Billings and collections of the annual fee shall be through the applicable IEEE departments. All other fiscal affairs shall be handled through the TAB.

5.5.4 Conferences and Symposia. Financial arrangements for conferences and symposia sponsored or co-sponsored by the Society, and for which the Society has financial responsibility or exposure, shall be covered by separate budgets with adequate safeguards against undue risk. If such conferences and symposia are of a continuing and periodic nature, they shall be covered by a suitable Constitution that contains general financial plans and the specific technical scope. This Constitution shall be subject to the approval of the Conference Executive Committee (CEC), the AdCom, and the IEEE through the TAB. Specific budgets for any such conferences or symposia shall be subject to the approval of the CEC, with said approval reported to the AdCom and the IEEE through the TAB. Other CEC technical and financial management details for Society-sponsored conferences and symposia are given elsewhere in these Bylaws.

5.5.5 Other Financial Commitments. For other activities involving the Society or any of its subgroups, financial commitments shall be approved by the AdCom. The AdCom and other designated managers of Society activities shall work in concert with the Finance Committee and the TAB to assess potential financial risks and adequately safeguard Society funds.

5.5.6 Budgeting Process and Approvals. The planning and approval process for the Society budget for the year following the current year shall be managed by the Finance Committee Chair, with advice from the President, President-Elect, and the Secretary-Treasurer. The first draft next-year budget, typically provided to the IEEE in April, shall be determined through consultation with these officers and the AdCom membership, but shall require only the approval of the President. The second draft next-year budget, typically provided to the IEEE in June, shall be adjusted as needed by the Finance Committee and the officers, presented to the AdCom through a meeting requiring physical presence or a virtual meeting, modified as needed, and approved by the AdCom before submission to the IEEE. This second draft AdComapproved budget shall be the binding budget for the following year, subject to IEEE approvals and related modifications. In the event of requested modifications from the IEEE, any changes in the second draft budget shall be negotiated between the President, with consultation of the Finance Committee Chair and the other officers, and the IEEE, without the need for further AdCom approval.

Section 6: Director of Operations

6.1 The Society may enlist the services of paid staff from one or more third-parties to coordinate and administer the business of the Society with the help of recording secretary and at the direction of the President and other members of the AdCom. The staff is to (1) provide overall management of Society operations, (2) provide administrative and executive support to Society Officers, the AdCom, and the Standing Committees, as directed and authorized by the President, (3) maintain, at the direction of the President, Society records, intra- and inter-Society correspondence files, AdCom and other committee minutes, AdCom and other committee rosters, and (4) generally coordinate all of the volunteer efforts within the Society. As prescribed elsewhere, the staff shall be ex-officio members of the AdCom without vote.

Section 7: Grievance Procedures

7.1 Grievance Initiation.

7.1.1 Communication of a Grievance. In the event that a member of the Society has a grievance against the Society, the AdCom, any of its members or officers, or any committee or member thereof, and said grievance is directly related to the conduct of the delegated business of the Society, the member shall communicate said grievance, in writing, to the president-elect. In the event that the grievance is against the President-Elect, the grievance shall be communicated to the Secretary-Treasurer. The grievance must specify the issue with facts, names, and dates. In cases where reported grievances are of a serious nature, the president-elect shall within two weeks consult with the Managing Director of the IEEE Technical Activities Board or their designee.

7.1.2 Formation of a Grievance Board. The Society has no standing committee charged with grievance matters. In the event that a grievance is received that is not deemed reasonable for the Managing Director of the IEEE Technical Activities Board to address, the receiving officer shall convene a Grievance Board, hereinafter called the “Board.” Generally, the Board shall be comprised of at least three members of the AdCom, to be appointed by the receiving officer. No member of the Board shall have had prior involvement with the grievance situation. The Chair shall be determined by concurrence of the members. With the agreement of all parties involved, the Board can be augmented as needed in order to add members with expertise on the subject matter of the grievance, prior mediation experience, and other relevant factors.

7.1.3 Action of the Grievance Board. Determination of Validity. The Board shall first determine that the grievance is or is not a valid grievance as related to Society business or actions. If the Board determines that the grievance is unrelated to said business or actions, and hence, invalid, it shall be vacated and due written notice shall be given to the grievant. Mediation. If the grievance is determined to be related to Society business or actions, and hence, valid, the Board shall determine to the best of its ability if the grievance is amenable to resolution through mediation. If this determination is affirmative, one or more members of the Board will meet with the parties in a mutually agreed upon manner, either directly as feasible, through conference calls, or by other electronic means, to resolve the grievance. The work of the Board shall remain confidential throughout the entire mediation process. At the successful conclusion of the mediation process, the Board shall send a confidential report to the President and the parties involved unless grievance is against the President in which case report should be sent to Past-President. Failure of Mediation. If the grievance has not been resolved within three months of the start of mediation, the Board shall forward the grievance to the IEEE level, according to procedures given in the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies. Through the receiving officer, the Board shall also file a report on said unresolved grievance with the appropriate IEEE offices. The subject of the grievance, the initiator of the grievance, and members of the Grievance Board shall remain confidential, subject to the IEEE process.

Section 8: Standing Committees

8.1 General Considerations. Standing Committees are set forth below to perform certain defined administrative tasks in connection with Society activities that are of a recurring nature.

8.2 General Standing Committee Operations.

8.2.1 Standing Committee Chairs. With the exception of the Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee, which shall be chaired by the President-Elect, the standing committee Chairs are ex-officio members of the AdCom with vote. They are appointed by the President for terms not to exceed his or her term of office and subject to AdCom approval. Subject to this approval requirement, a committee Chair may be appointed to successive terms of office without limit. Each standing committee Chair shall gather information from past committee activities and reports, IEEE documents, other IEEE societies, and non-IEEE groups, as appropriate, to establish a frame of reference for the operations of his or her committee. Each Chair shall provide timely written reports in advance of scheduled AdCom meetings and otherwise, as necessary. He or she shall present oral reports at said meetings, as appropriate. Each Chair may assemble a committee at his or her discretion, subject to the specific requirements and guidelines contained elsewhere in the Constitution and these Bylaws. On matters that require a vote, if the vote is by secret ballot, the Chair may vote; if voters are identifiable, the Chair may vote on motions when his or her vote will affect the outcome (i.e., can vote “yes” to break a tie or vote “no” to create a tie, which causes a motion to fail).

8.2.2 Standing Committee Members. Special requirements for the roster of membership for certain standing committees are as specified below. Otherwise, members shall generally be appointed at the discretion of the committee Chair with the concurrence of the President and reported to the AdCom. Unless otherwise specified below, all appointments shall be for renewable terms of two years or less, to coincide with the term of the sitting President. Members holding more than one voting position on a given committee, such as the chair position for more than one subcommittee, for example, shall be limited to one vote on any matter before the full committee.

8.3 Roster and Function of Standing Committees. The official standing committees are as listed below. Standing committees may be added or deleted by the AdCom as the need arises through modifications to the Bylaws as prescribed in the Constitution.

8.3.1 Chapters Committee

8.3.2 Conference Executive Committee

8.3.3 Distinguished Lecturer Committee

8.3.4 Education Committee

8.3.5 Finance Committee

8.3.6 Honors and Awards Committee

8.3.7 Membership Committee

8.3.8 Nominations Committee

8.3.9 Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee

8.3.10 Publications Committee

8.3.11 Publicity Committee

8.3.12 Technical Committee The requirements and guidelines for the currently established standing committees are described below.

8.3.1 Chapters Committee. The general charter of the Chapters Committee shall be to monitor and coordinate the operations of existing chapters, monitor their activities and provide suggestions for improvement as needed, and to promote the creation of new chapters. Chapters are generally organized in a specific geographical area and cover the full Field of Interest of the Society. Rules for chapter operations are fully treated in the IEEE Bylaws, in the TAB Operations Manual, and in the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) Operations Manual. Chapters are generally under the umbrellas of the Section and MGA as well as the Society and TAB umbrellas. As such, coordination at the MGA and Section level is an important consideration for successful chapter operations. Membership. The regular members of the Chapters Committee shall be the Chairs of the respective individual chapters of the Society. All members shall be voting members. Meetings. The Chapters Committee shall have a meeting that requires physical presence at least once per year, generally at the annual INTERMAG Conference or the Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference. If such a meeting is not possible, a tele- or videoconference meeting should be held. Annual Report. In addition to or as a part of the usual written and oral reports to the AdCom, the Chair shall prepare a comprehensive annual report on the activities of the Committee. Said report shall include, at a minimum, the items listed below. A list of active chapters with the names of the Chairs, full contact information, the number of members, brief summaries of chapter activities over the past year, and a summary of annual expenditures broken down according to Section contributions and Society contributions. A copy of the minutes of record for the committee meetings held with the members over the past year. Said report shall be circulated to the AdCom, included in the minutes of record of the appropriate AdCom meeting, and summarized partly published in the Society Newsletter. Chapter Organization. Each Chapter shall organize itself and elect its own officers, in accordance with IEEE rules. Chapter Operations. The local chapters shall generally operate in a manner that is largely independent of other Society activities. They shall adhere to IEEE rules and cooperate with the Chair of the Chapters Committee as necessary. Specific charges to the local chapters are given below. Initiate and carry out membership drives, as needed, to maintain and improve the vitality of the chapter. This shall include organization of events for the benefit of its members, the preparation and distribution of membership materials by special mailings and by direct contact to Society members within the applicable geographic area. Establish and maintain contact with other chapters of the Society and sister or partner organizations, including other IEEE Council and Society chapters in the applicable geographic area for purposes of mutual collaboration and membership development.

8.3.2 Conference Executive Committee (CEC). The charge of the Conference Executive Committee (CEC) is to provide support for, coordinate, manage, review, and approve all activities related to conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by the Society. The specific duties and actions enumerated below are intended to serve as a detailed operations manual for the CEC and, in general, for the management of Society-sponsored conferences. General Charter of the CEC. The purpose of the CEC is to perform, on behalf of the Society, the coordination, evaluation, long-range planning, and supervision appropriate to each of the conferences sponsored, co-sponsored, or participated in by the Society. Overall, it is the responsibility of the CEC to take certain minimum precautions with regard to the technical content, the integrity, the legal status, and the nature of the other sponsors, Society representation on conference committees, reporting requirements, and the dissemination of information for all conferences sponsored by the Society. Apart from these considerations, and insofar as the sponsored conferences will generally represent a spread of topics in basic and applied magnetics, the role of the CEC shall be conference specific. Specific CEC Responsibilities. The CEC has full executive responsibility for the planning, execution and evaluation of all conferences sponsored by the Society. The CEC shall ensure that all sponsored conferences are compatible with Society policies, IEEE special directives on conferences, and the TAB Operations Manual. In line with its general charter, the CEC is responsible for the review and approval on behalf of the Society of the individual conference constitutions for all sponsored and co-sponsored conferences for which the Society has a financial responsibility. Apart from the negotiation of agreements with co-sponsors, if any, and in view of its executive function, the involvement of the CEC in the direct management of conferences ordinarily shall be of an advisory nature. However, in unusual circumstances, upon a vote of two thirds of its members, the CEC may override conference decisions, replace members of a conference management committee, or change the venue of a conference. The CEC shall obtain the approval and signature of the President on all agreements that involve financial commitments by the Society beyond those provided for in approved conference budgets. The CEC shall, in addition to its own review and approval process, obtain the approval as defined in Section 10 of the IEEE Policies, which deals with Meetings, Conferences, Symposia and Expositions. The CEC shall ensure that information on all conferences sponsored by the Society are noted in the AdCom minutes and that adequate information on these events is transmitted to the Newsletter Editor and Publicity Chair for dissemination. The CEC shall make its experience available, as needed, to members of the Society involved in the planning of new conferences, workshops, special meetings, and special chapter meetings, among others. The CEC shall be responsible for the appointment, or approval in the case of alternate Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Conferences, of the General Chair of all conferences for which the Magnetics Society has financial responsibility. Through the General Chair, the CEC is responsible for appointments to conference management committees. The CEC shall ensure, as far as it is able, that the financial records of all conferences in which the Society has a financial responsibility are audited within 12 months of the end of the conference. The CEC shall arrange to receive, file for the record, and distribute as appropriate, the minutes, notices, and financial reports of the various committees charged with the management of conferences in which the Society has a financial responsibility. The CEC shall review and approve, as appropriate, all advance loan requests made on behalf of conferences in which the Society has a financial responsibility, and forward same to the IEEE for payment. The CEC shall ensure to the best of its ability that all conferences with sponsorship by the Society are organized and conducted in the best interests of the membership of the Society and the magnetics community in general. The CEC Chair shall provide a budget estimate for the next calendar year to the Secretary/Treasurer and Finance Committee Chairs for review as part of the overall Society budget for the upcoming year. The CEC budget may include travel expenses for future conference site searches, allocation of grants for financially supported small conferences at the discretion of the CEC, and staff time to assist with IEEE-required paperwork related to financially supported small conferences. The allocation requested for grants to small conferences will be based on historical data of total such grants in previous years. Receipts for expenses related to travel for future conference site searches must be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer for reimbursement approval. Only expenses, as allowable by the IEEE, will be reimbursed. The CEC shall ensure that grants given to financially supported small conferences are used for conference events that support the mission and strategy of Magnetics Society in accordance with IEEE regulations. Membership of the CEC. The members of the CEC will be appointed for a term of 2 years by the CEC Chair in consultation with the President, and the committee roster will be made available to the AdCom. The member terms may be renewed, at the end of the 2-year period, at the discretion of the Chair and the President. The CEC membership shall consist of the individuals listed below: With vote:

  1. The Associate Chair for Major Conference
  2. The Associate Chair for New and Sponsored Conferences
  3. The Associate Chair for Conference Finances
  4. The Transactions Conference Editor (appointed by the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Magnetism as Conference Editor)
  5. The Chair of the Publications Committee.
  6. The three CEC Regional Liasons (Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific)
  7. The President-Elect of the Magnetics Society

Without vote:

  1. An administrative assistant to support the CEC
  2. Other such persons as the Chair may appoint
  3. The Chairs of other specific conferences co-sponsored by the Society in which the Society has shared financial responsibility.
  4. The Chairs of the most recent, upcoming, and next INTERMAG Conference, as they are appointed.
  5. The Chairs of the most recent, upcoming, and next Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) or the Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, when these Chairs have been put forward by the Society.
  6. The Chair of TMRC (The Magnetics Recording Conference)
  7. The Chairs of other specific conferences sponsored by the Society in which the Society has sole financial responsibility. Officers. The CEC Chair may appoint a Secretary with the consent of the committee. Vacancies. Membership on the CEC is coupled with the conference offices or otherwise as listed above. If any of these offices are vacated, or if the office holder becomes incapacitated or unable to serve, the CEC Chair shall request that replacements be designated by the conference organizers, or otherwise, in a timely manner. Delegation of Powers. Except for its explicit charge to approve conference budgets and committees, and its responsibility to ascertain the fiscal and technical propriety of sponsored or co-sponsored conferences, the CEC may delegate specific duties to appropriate persons. Such delegations of duties shall be made a part of the CEC meeting minutes of record. Operations. Operational aspects of the CEC are defined in the Operations Manual of the IEEE Magnetics Society. The INTERMAG Conference. The operations of the INTERMAG Conference is defined in the Operations Manual. Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM). The operations of the MMM Conference is defined in the Operations Manual. Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference. The operations of the JOINT MMM/INTERMAG Conference is defined in the Operations Manual. Other Sponsored and Co-sponsore Conferences. The operations of other sponsored and co-sponsored conference is defined in the Operations Manual:

8.3.3 Distinguished Lecturer Committee. Distinguished Lecturer Program and Committee. The Chair of the Distinguished Lecturer Committee is the Distinguished Lecturer Chair. The Chair is charged with the financial management and operation of the IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer program, including selection of IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturers, hereinafter called "Distinguished Lecturers," oversight of the Distinguished Lecturer Program throughout the year, and to review and update the Distinguished Lecturer program on a regular basis for the benefit of the Society. Other members may be appointed to the Distinguished Lecturer Committee by the Distinguished Lecturer Chair with the consent of the President and with notification of the AdCom. Distinguished Lecturer Nominations. The Distinguished Lecturer Chair shall seek Distinguished Lecturer nominations at an appropriate time, typically in May and June of each year, for the one-year program to commence in January of the following year. Such nominations shall be sought from the AdCom and the Technical Committee. The Chair may also seek nominations from other volunteers and from the general membership. The Committee Chair shall poll the AdCom, the Technical Committee, and other volunteers, at his or her discretion, for a non-binding advisory vote to assist with the selection process. Distinguished Lecturer Selection. The committee shall make a selection from among those nominated based on the international reputation of the work that forms the basis of the lecture, potential for a balanced technical program, tutorial speaking ability, and international representation. The number of lecturers for the coming year shall be determined by the Committee, based on the budget set for the program and reasonable estimates of itineraries and travel costs. The slate of lecturers for the coming year shall be announced in the autumn, typically in September. An announcement of the named lecturers for the coming year and their respective topics and abstracts shall be widely publicized in the Transactions, the Society Newsletter, the Society web pages, and directly to the local chapters of the Society. The Distinguished Lecturer Chair shall make this same information a part of his or her report at the appropriate AdCom meetings. Distinguished Lecturer Program Operations Reporting. During the year of the lecture program, the Distinguished Lecturer Chair shall also provide, on a regular basis, and no less than once per quarter, reports to the Society Officers on the progress of the lecture program, including trips completed, chapters visited, and talks given, and an estimate of the Distinguished Lecturer budget consumed. On a periodic basis set by the Chair (typically monthly) each Distinguished Lecturer will report to the Chair regarding the trips completed, chapters visited, and talks completed. The Distinguished Lecturers will submit all expenses promptly for processing. Guidelines and Responsibilities. The Distinguished Lecturers Chair shall emphasize that the lecturers shall use the occasion of their tours to provide outreach for the Society and for the magnetics community in general, to maintain and increase chapter vitality, and grow the membership base of the Society. More guidance, details of rules for Distinguished Lecturers and their responsibilities, as well as processes and procedures are contained in the document “Guidelines and Responsibilities of IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturers” which is provided to Distinguished Lecturers by the Chair, who will maintain and updated it yearly. Publication of Lectures. The lecturers are encouraged to work in concert with the Advances in Magnetics Editor of the Transactions to submit suitable technical articles based on their lectures for inclusion in same. The lecturers are expected to provide copies of their lectures for inclusion on the Society website at the end of their lecture year.

8.3.4 Education Committee. The charge of the Education Committee is to identify, initiate and implement, as needed, Society activities that relate to educational outreach and information. This shall include the organization of special sessions and symposia at conferences sponsored by the Society and, by invitation, other conferences. It shall further include the collection and dissemination of information on regional research trends in basic and applied magnetics that are commensurate with the Field of Interest of the Society. Membership. The Chair shall appoint and maintain a committee with a minimum of three additional members. Specific Duties. The committee will organize annual summer schools for graduate students in the fields of magnetics and primarily for student members of the IEEE Magnetics Society. The schools will consist of lectures by international experts and will include poster presentations by participating graduate students. The program will cover both fundamentals and advanced topics in magnetics. The Education Committee, in concert with the Program Committee for the annual INTERMAG Conference, shall organize tutorial sessions at these conferences on timely topics. The committee, in concert with the INTERMAG conference organizers will organize a Best Student Presentation competition associated with the conference. The committee is also encouraged to participate, in concert with the appropriate program committees, in the organization of similar tutorials at other conferences under Society sponsorship. In general, said tutorials shall be designed for those at the graduate student level and strive to provide a thorough grounding in the chosen subject. The committee shall maintain an up-to-date database of specific regional emerging research trends in magnetics and, in concert with the Publicity Committee, ensure that these programs are listed, along with appropriate links, on the Society website. The committee, in concert with the Technical and Membership Committees, shall identify and advise AdCom of new opportunities to benefit and engage students in Society activities. These include networking and professional development events, student-organized conferences and student-led research collaborations.

8.3.5 Finance Committee. The charge of the Finance Committee is to monitor and analyze the financial data of the Society, communicate with the officers and other committees on revenue and spending matters, develop proposals for budgets for future years, provide succinct reports to the AdCom on the financial status of the Society, and make both short and long range projections on the financial state of the Society. Future Budgets. The Finance Committee is responsible for the timely preparation of the budget of the Society for the next calendar year for AdCom review, modification, and approval, as needed, and timely submission in accord with the internal IEEE procedures. Analysis and Recommendations. The Finance Committee shall monitor and analyze the financial data of the Society and make appropriate recommendations to the other standing committees and to the AdCom on expenditure planning for the Society’s Operating Budget and Initiatives when funded, as appropriate. Reports to AdCom. The Finance Committee shall prepare and present finance reports, at the scheduled AdCom meetings, that summarize the current financial position, the relevant recent financial history, and reasonable financial projections.

8.3.6 Honors and Awards Committee. The charge of the Honors and Awards Committee is to manage the existing honors and awards programs of the Society in an effective and professional manner, identify appropriate opportunities for new honors and awards, and to review and update the honors and awards program on a regular basis for the benefit of the Society. Honors and Awards Committee Chair. The charge of the Honors and Awards Committee Chair is to (1) make subcommittee Chair appointments and (2) monitor and coordinate overall honors and awards functions for the Society as prescribed below. In concert with the various Honors and Awards Subcommittees, the Honors and Awards Committee Chair shall review the overall honors and awards program on a regular basis, as appropriate, and make recommendations to the AdCom for modifications, deletions, and additions, as appropriate. Membership and Subcommittees. The members of the Honors and Awards Committee, to be appointed by the Honors and Awards Committee Chair with the consent of the President and AdCom notification, and subject to additional stipulations below, if any, shall be the Chairs of the subcommittees for (1) Fellow Nominations, (2) Fellow Nominee Evaluation, (3) the Magnetics Society Achievement Award, (4) the Magnetics Society Mid Career Award, (5) the Magnetics Society Early Career Award, (6) the Magnetics Society Distinguished Service Award, (7) IEEE Awards, (8) Honorary Life Members, and (9) Student Travel. At the discretion of the Honors and Awards Committee Chair, various of the above subcommittees may be merged, with the exception of the Fellow Nominations and the Fellow Nominee Evaluation subcommittees, which may not be merged. Subcommittee Members. Subcommittee members shall be appointed by the subcommittee Chair with the concurrence of the Honors and Awards Committee Chair. There shall be no overlap of membership between the Fellow Nominations Subcommittee and the Fellow Nomination Evaluation Subcommittee. Operations. Through its subcommittees, the committee shall administer all specific Society awards as listed above and those IEEE awards that are covered by the Society in accordance with IEEE policy. Subject to these constraints, the specific criteria for nominations, evaluation, recommendations, and selection, as such considerations are relevant, shall be the purview of the individual subcommittees. IEEE Policy and Prospectuses for Society Awards. Society awards must conform to IEEE policies. Each Society award must have a title and a prospectus. The prospectus shall define the nature of the award, general qualifications for potential candidates, and reasonable specifics on the selection process. The prospectus for each award must be approved by the AdCom and the IEEE, and then be included as a part of these Bylaws as per the Constitution. Honors and Awards Subcommittee Specifics. Except as noted, no specific AdCom approvals are required for these functions. Fellow Nominations Subcommittee. The Fellow Nominations Subcommittee Chair shall be at the IEEE Fellow Grade. The subcommittee shall identify suitable Society members who are also IEEE Senior Grade members for consideration as candidates for advancement to Fellow Grade. They shall also identify suitable IEEE members that are willing to serve as nominators for these candidates, and ensure that well-constructed nominations are provided to the IEEE Fellow Committee in a timely manner. They shall also take specific action to advise qualified members to seek advancement to the Senior Grade. Fellow Nominee Evaluation Subcommittee. The Fellow Nominee Evaluation Subcommittee Chair and all members shall be at the IEEE Fellow Grade. The subcommittee is charged with the annual evaluation and ranking of Fellow Grade nominations referred to the Society by the IEEE Fellow Committee. IEEE Magnetics Society Achievement Award and Subcommittee. This award shall be presented annually to a member of the Society and the IEEE for outstanding technical achievements in magnetics and demonstrated leadership in Society affairs. The primary considerations for this award shall be technical. The award shall consist of a certificate, a monetary award, and a travel award to attend the conference at which the award is to be received. The level of these monetary awards shall be set by the AdCom with TAB approval. The subcommittee shall be comprised of all past recipients of the award that indicate a desire to be active in the selection process. The subcommittee Chair shall be selected from this group. The subcommittee is charged with the collection of suitable nominations for the award from regular Society members and the selection of one recipient yearly. Generally, nominated individuals should be at the IEEE Fellow Grade. Accepted nominations shall remain active for a period of five years. Decisions on this award, including the determination of acceptability of submitted nominations and the selection of the annual award recipient, shall be the sole purview of the subcommittee. The award shall be presented at a suitable time, normally in the awards portion of the plenary session at the annual INTERMAG Conference. IEEE Magnetics Society Achievement Award recipients shall also be awarded Honorary Life Membership in the Society. IEEE Magnetics Society Mid Career Award and Subcommittee.The award shall be presented annually to a member of the Society and the IEEE at the mid-stages of the members career (between 10 and 20 years after completion of the PhD, except in the case of significant career interruptions due to family or military service) for outstanding research and technological contributions in a field represented by the Society. The award shall consist of a certificate, a monetary award, and a travel award to attend the conference at which the award is to be received. The level of these monetary awards shall be set by the AdCom with TAB approval. The subcommittee shall be comprised of a chair and at least five members reflecting various disciplines, geographic areas as well as gender. The subcommittee is charged with the collection of suitable nominations for the award from regular Society members and the selection of one recipient yearly. The award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified. Decisions on this award, including the determination of acceptability of submitted nominations and the selection of the annual award recipient, shall be the sole purview of the subcommittee. The award shall be presented at a suitable time, normally in the awards portion of the plenary session at the annual INTERMAG Conference. IEEE Mid Career Award recipients shall also be awarded Honorary Life Membership in the Society. IEEE Magnetics Society Early Career Award and Subcommittee. The award shall be presented annually to a member of the Society and the IEEE at the early stages of the members career limited to five years after completion of the PhD, for outstanding research and technological contributions in a field represented by the Society. The award shall consist of a certificate, a monetary award, and a travel award to attend the conference at which the award is to be received. The level of these monetary awards shall be set by the AdCom with TAB approval. The subcommittee shall be comprised of a chair and at least five members reflecting various disciplines, geographic areas as well as gender. The subcommittee is charged with the collection of suitable nominations for the award from regular Society members and the selection of one recipient yearly. The award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified. Decisions on this award, including the determination of acceptability of submitted nominations and the selection of the annual award recipient, shall be the sole purview of the subcommittee. The award shall be presented at a suitable time, normally in the awards portion of the plenary session at the annual INTERMAG Conference. IEEE Magnetics Society Early Career Award recipients shall also be awarded Honorary Life Membership in the Society. IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Service Award and Subcommittee. The award shall be presented annually to a member of the Society and the IEEE to recognize outstanding service to the Society and magnetics community. The award shall consist of a certificate, a monetary award, and a travel award to attend the conference at which the award is to be received. The level of these monetary awards shall be set by the AdCom with TAB approval. The subcommittee shall be comprised of a chair and at least five members reflecting various disciplines, geographic areas as well as gender. The subcommittee is charged with the collection of suitable nominations for the award from regular Society members and the selection of one recipient yearly. The award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified. Decisions on this award, including the determination of acceptability of submitted nominations and the selection of the annual award recipient, shall be the sole purview of the subcommittee. The award shall be presented at a suitable time, normally in the awards portion of the plenary session at the annual INTERMAG Conference. IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Service Award recipients shall also be awarded Honorary Life Membership in the Society. IEEE Field Awards Subcommittee. The IEEE Awards Subcommittee Chair shall be a previous recipient of an IEEE Field Award, preferably the Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Award, the Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Device Technology Award, or the Reynold B. Johnson Storage Systems Award. The committee members shall be appointed by the subcommittee Chair in consultation with the Honors and Awards Committee Chair. For the Reynold B. Johnson awards, the committee shall publicize the criteria and guidelines for nominations through the AdCom, the Technical Committee, and other sources as deemed appropriate, and ensure that suitable nominations are put forward each year to the IEEE. With regard to other IEEE awards, the subcommittee shall review the available awards on a regular basis, at least once per year, and ensure that suitable nominations from the Society are put forward to the IEEE. Honorary Life Members Subcommittee. The Honors and Awards Committee Chair shall also be the Honorary Life Members Subcommittee Chair. The membership shall be comprised of the members of the Fellow Nominations and the Fellow Nominee Evaluation Subcommittees. At least once annually, the Honorary Life Membership Subcommittee shall solicit nominations through the Society Newsletter and elsewhere, and make recommendations to the AdCom on the designation of Honorary Life Member status to especially distinguished members in recognition and appreciation of valued service and contributions to the Society. Typically, one such award will be given yearly. In addition to a waiver of Society membership dues for life, the recipient shall receive an appropriate certificate and/or plaque. The award shall be presented at a suitable time, normally in the awards portion of the plenary session at the annual INTERMAG Conference. Student Awards Subcommittee. The subcommittee members shall be appointed by the Chair with the consent of the Honors and Awards Committee Chair. This subcommittee shall administer all student awards, comprised at present of two awards, Student Travel Grants to conferences sponsored by the Society and the Student Prize Paper Award. Student Travel Grants shall be awarded through an application process with the number of awards subject to the available budget and the number of eligible applicants. The distribution of these awards shall also be subject to considerations of geography and discipline as well as additional requirements set by the subcommittee and the AdCom. No student may receive more than one Student Travel Grant. The Student Prize Paper Award recognizes the best paper from a student, one undergraduate and one graduate, at a Society-sponsored conference. The Student Prize Paper Award is presented at irregular intervals, typically every three years. The subcommittee shall review student awards on a regular basis and make recommendations to the Honors and Awards Committee Chair on new awards and grants or changes to existing student awards and grants. The Honors and Awards Committee Chair shall review said recommendations and, as appropriate, present them to the AdCom for review and action, and if approved, submit them to TAB for IEEE approval.

8.3.7 Membership Committee. The general charter of the Membership Committee shall be to initiate and carry out activities that will serve to secure new Society and IEEE members and retain existing members. These shall include arrangements for membership tables or booths at the various conferences under Society sponsorship, working with the Chapters and Publicity Committees, and the “Engagement with Young Professionals” representative, to devise ways to bring interested engineers and scientists into the local chapters and recruit them as members, making sure that promotional materials are included in the regular issues of the Newsletter and posted on the Society website, and to keep close contact with the student and young professional members in the society, among other activities. Membership. The Membership Committee consists of the Membership Committee chair, the “Engagement with Young Professionals” representative, and the Chapter and Publicity Committee chairs. Annual Report. The Membership Committee chair shall provide an annual report to the AdCom.

8.3.8 Nominations Committee. The charge of the Nominations Committee shall be to assemble a slate of nominees to fill vacancies on the AdCom and a slate of candidates for election of officers by the AdCom as specified in the Constitution and elsewhere in these Bylaws. It may also be called upon by the AdCom to provide other slates of nominees if they are required and not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws. The Nominations Committee shall also conduct the elections for which it prepares ballots. The Nominations Committee shall take all necessary steps to ensure that its nomination procedures are in accord with the IEEE and the Magnetics Society Constitution and Bylaws. Chair. The Nominations Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President. As required by the IEEE, the Chair shall be either the Past Past President of the Society or the immediate Past President of the Society with the following exceptions: (1) In the event of incapacity or conflict of interest, the most recent Chair shall serve. (2) In the case of extenuating circumstances, a different individual may be appointed as Chair. Such exceptions shall be noted in the AdCom meeting minutes of record. Chairs shall not be eligible for placement on the elected member AdCom ballot during their term of service. Membership. The Nominations Committee shall be reconstituted each year before May 15. The Nominations Committee shall be comprised of at least four members in addition to the Chair. As specified elsewhere in these Bylaws, prospective committee members are selected by the Chair with the concurrence of the President. Committee rosters will be shared with the AdCom. A member may be nominated for placement on the ballot and, if selected, stand for election to the AdCom, subject to stipulations elsewhere in the Constitution and these Bylaws and two additional conditions, (1) the nomination is not made by any member of the committee, and (2) the member resigns from the committee before the first meeting of the year in which the decision is made. Operations. Operations of the Nominations Committee shall be as specified elsewhere in these Bylaws. The Nominations Committee shall document its methods of operation in its official minutes. These minutes shall be communicated to the President and Secretary-Treasurer for inclusion in the permanent AdCom record. AdCom election ballot results shall be communicated to the President, President-Elect and the Secretary-Treasurer and, through these officers, reported to the AdCom as a rank ordered list without details on the number of votes. Nominations for IEEE Offices. In accordance with IEEE Bylaws, the duties of the Nominations Committee shall include the solicitation and identification of potential candidates for the office of Division Director and other IEEE committee and board positions, and the submission of same to the IEEE. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall initiate the necessary actions to identify and put forward such nominations in a timely fashion, well in advance of any deadlines for their receipt at the IEEE.

8.3.9 Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee. The charge of the Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee, hereafter referred to as the Planning Committee, is to undertake long term planning for the Society in areas such as finance, membership initiatives, and outreach, among others, and to review the Constitution and Bylaws on a regular basis. These activities should be carried out in concert with the appropriate standing committees. Chair. The Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee Chair shall be the President-Elect. Membership. The members shall consist of the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Chairs of the CEC, the Publications Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Nominations Committee. Chairs of other committees and other individuals may be invited to committee meetings, with or without vote, by the President-Elect at his or her discretion. Working Groups and Subcommittees. With committee approval, the Chair may also establish working groups and subcommittees to attend to specific topics and tasks, as needed. Constitution and Bylaw Functions. The Planning, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee shall: Act as consultant to the Society on the provisions and limitations of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Magnetics Society and the IEEE. Review AdCom decisions for those of sufficient general import for possible inclusion in the Bylaws. Review the Constitution and Bylaws, generally on a biennial biennialbasis, and make recommendations to the AdCom for modifications, if any. At the request of the President, review the Constitution well in advance of each five-year TAB review.

8.3.10 Publications Committee. The charge of the Publications Committee is to coordinate and manage the publications of the Society. Membership. The members of the Publications Committee shall consist of the following. Publications Chair. Appointed by the President and approved by AdCom. Associate Publications Chair, Chief Editors, Editors, Newsletter Editor(s), Book Publisher Liaison(s), Editorial Board Members, Representatives to Journals CoSponsored by the Magnetics Society and Others, whose roles are defined in the Operations Manual. Reporting. The Publications Chair shall prepare a written report to the AdCom on an annual or more frequent basis with the pertinent information needed by the AdCom to perform its oversight function. Copies are circulated to AdCom and included in the AdCom minutes. Paid Editorial Assistant(s). Subject to AdCom approval of the budget and approval by the President, the Publications Chair may appoint paid Editorial Assistant(s). The Publications Chair may request Editorial Assistant(s) to be assigned by IEEE to help manage the Society’s article submission and peer-review platform(s). Special Journal Issues. The journals of the Society may publish special issues, including conference-related issues. In order to recover the associated costs of conference-related issues, in whole or in part, the Publications Chair or his or her designee shall be authorized to bill the conferences according to a formula approved by AdCom. Author Appeals. Authors may appeal decisions made by the journal editors to the Chief Editors. The Publications Chair shall be the final authority within the Society for author appeals of decisions made by the Chief Editors. Budget Operations. The Publications Chair shall prepare a publications budget for the next calendar year in a timely fashion for proper review as part of the overall Society budget for the coming year. Society review of the budget shall be in two steps. First, projections of direct publication costs and editorial expenses shall be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair for review and possible modification. Second, the publication budget shall be submitted to the AdCom for final review and approval. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (the Transactions) shall be a primary publication of the Magnetics Society. It shall contain the technical papers, review papers, and essential notices that constitute the primary output of the Society. Terms and Performance Reviews of Chief Editors. Terms. Chief Editors shall have an initial appointment for a two-year term and a limit of two reappointments (total six years of consecutive service). After a break in service of at least three years, a former Chief Editor may be reappointed as Chief Editor for an initial two-year term. A former Chief Editor of a Magnetics Society journal may serve as the Chief Editor of another Magnetics Society journal. Solicitation of Candidates. At least three months before the end of a term, the Publications Chair shall solicit expressions of interest in serving as Chief Editor from others by publishing an announcement in the Society newsletter. Magnetics Society Conference Proceedings. The Society may publish Conference Proceedings on IEEE’s Xplore platform, consisting of full conference articles, conference digests, and videos of conference presentations. Subject to AdCom approval of the budget and approval by the President, the Publications Chair may appoint a paid individual or organization to help manage the collection and transmittal of Conference Proceedings to IEEE. Additional Journals. The Society may sponsor, either solely or jointly with other societies, additional journals. Such undertakings shall be upon the recommendation of the Publications Chair and the President and approval by the AdCom and appropriate IEEE committees.

8.3.11 Publicity Committee. The charge of the Publicity Committee is to identify, initiate and implement, as needed, activities that disseminate information on the activities and programs of the Society to the membership, the magnetics community in general, the IEEE, and other interested parties. Representative specific responsibilities are listed below. Maintain and coordinate an up-to-date and comprehensive website for the Society. Maintain and coordinate the update of social media platforms of the Society. Send out bulk announcement emails to the fields of interest of the Society to publicize events and activities of the Society in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Prepare and launch periodic email bulletin of the Society. Monitor and publicize the activities of the local chapters of the Society and keep the chapters informed about available publicity channels for their activities. This shall be done in concert with the Chair of the Chapters Committee and the local Society chapter Chairs. Plan and carry out publicity related activities for the Society and, in concert with the Membership Committee, develop and carry out activities to promote membership retention and growth. Maintain an up-to-date database for the INTERMAG Conference and provide same as required and requested by duly authorized and appropriate groups, as approved by the AdCom. Such authorized groups shall include the various conferences sponsored by the Society. Additional authorizations may be made by the Chair with the concurrence of the President. The Publicity Committee shall also arrange for access to the MMM Conference database, as needed, for use by AdCom approved groups. Advise the AdCom on new publicity developments of the Society.

8.3.12 Technical Committee. The charge of the Technical Committee is to bring together designated experts in the various specialized technical areas of magnetics for purposes that serve the interests of the Society. Membership. The Chair shall appoint and maintain a committee with a suitable size to cover the fields of interest to the Society. All appointments shall be with the consent of the President and reported to the AdCom. All members shall be voting members. Membership to the committee is for a term of two years and renewable up to three terms. Consecutive appointments shall be evaluated by the incumbent chair in consultation with the President to ensure a balanced and comprehensive coverage of all relevant areas of interest to the society. Specific responsibilities. Solicit and promote the submission of suitable technical papers to the Transactions or the Magnetics Letters. This action shall be in concert with the Publications Committee Chair, the Editor of the Transactions, the Editor of the Magnetics Letters, and the Publicity Committee Chair. Advise the AdCom on new technical developments in basic and applied magnetics and magnetic devices. Act as a resource for the identification of candidate program committee members and possible organizers of special sessions at conferences sponsored by the Society, other IEEE meetings, and other technical meetings of interest to the Society. Identify the need for and initiate or organize, as appropriate, specialized workshops on matters within the fields of interest of the Society. Identify and implement as needed, demands for standards in areas related to the fields of interest of the Society via the Standards subcommittee. Identify the need for and, as appropriate, facilitate the establishment of technical subgroups. Whereas the Technical Committee is comprised of a select group of appointed members commensurate with the overall fields of interest of the Society, the technical subgroups will be, in general, more narrowly focused, and with a larger and somewhat informal membership base. Organize and lead road-mapping exercises of particular research topics and technologies. Lead or participate in outreach projects, such as for public education and recording oral history of technical leaders in fields of interest to the Society. Operations. The operation of the Technical Committee shall be in accordance with the IEEE Manual for Operation of Technical Committees and other applicable IEEE rules. Meetings. The Chair shall arrange for at least one meeting of the Technical Committee per year. Said meeting shall require physical presence or attendance through virtual means and normally be held at the annual INTERMAG Conference. Annual Report. The Chair shall oversee the preparation of a comprehensive annual report on the activities of the Technical Committee. Said report shall include, at a minimum, the items listed below. Roster of the membership of the Technical Committee. A brief synopsis of Technical Committee activities during the year, such as workshops, special issues of or papers in the Transactions and the Magnetic Letters that were sponsored or initiated by the Technical Committee, sessions organized at meetings, and roadmaps prepared or planned, among others. A copy of the minutes of record for the meetings of the Technical Committee since the last annual report. Said report shall be circulated to the AdCom and included in the minutes of record of the appropriate AdCom meeting.