IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits
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IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits focuses on multi-disciplinary research in solid-state circuits using exploratory materials and devices for novel energy efficient computation beyond standard CMOS (complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology. Focus is on the exploration of materials, devices and computation circuits to enable Moore’s Law to continue for computation beyond a 10 to 15 year horizon (beyond end of the roadmap for CMOS technologies) with the associated density scaling and improvement in energy efficiency. Examples of appropriate topics are research milestones in the integration of materials, devices and computation circuits based upon any of the following: Quantum electronic devices (e.g. tunneling), Spintronics and nanomagnetics, Straintronics (piezo-electric devices), Plasmonics, Functional materials, High fan-in, fan-out logic circuits, Reconfigurable and non-volatile computational circuits, Computational circuits comprehending the on-chip communication means.
The IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JxCDC) is an “Open Access” journal for publication of research using exploratory materials and devices aimed at novel energy efficient computation beyond standard CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) transistor technology. The focus of the publication is to be on the exploration of materials, devices and computation circuits to enable Moore’s Law to continue for computation beyond a 10 to 15 year horizon (beyond end of the roadmap for CMOS technologies) with the associated density scaling and improvement in energy efficiency.
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If your career involves work within the semiconductor industry or academia (scientists and engineers), the JXCDC will enable you to follow the developments and gain visibility beyond CMOS and the possible future direction of the integrated circuit and semiconductor industry. Also if you are a researcher in the integrated circuit and semiconductor industry or an academic institution, publication in the selective cross-disciplinary JXCDC should be considered so you contribute toward more energy efficient computation while elevating your career to new heights!
JxCDC is sponsored by:
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
- Magnetics Society
- Circuits and Systems Society
- Electron Devices Society
- Council of Electronic Design Automation
- Council on Superconductivity