Sara Majetich
Sara Majetich
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Sara Majetich received the A.B. degree in chemistry at Princeton University and the M.S. degree in physical chemistry at Columbia University. Her Ph.D. was in solid state physics from the University of Georgia. She did postdoctoral work at Cornell University. Since 1990 she has been a faculty member, and now full professor, in the Physics Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Her awards include the Ashkin Award for excellence in teaching, the Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduate Advising Award, and a National Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation. She has three patents and over 100 publications. Her research interests focus on magnetic nanoparticles and nanocomposites and their applications.
- Present President-Elect (Officers)
- Present Best Student Presentation Award Chair (Honors and Awards Committee)
- Present Best Student Presentation Award Chair (Best Student Paper Award Subcommittee)
- 2025-Present Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee Chair (Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
- 2023-Present Member (Planning, Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
- Past Secretary/Treasurer (Officers)
- 2021-2022 Education Committee Chair (Education Committee)
- 2013-2016 Distinguished Lecturer Program Chair (Distinguished Lecturer Committee Roster)
- 2017 IEEE Fellow
- 2007-2007 Distinguished Lecturer