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Arcady Zhukov

University of Basque Country
Technical Area
Advanced Characterization, Magnetization Dynamics, Microwave Magnetics, Sensors

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Dr. Arcady Zhukov received Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka) of the Russian Academy of Science, in 2010- Doctor of Science (habilitation) in Moscow State “Lomonosov” University. Present employment (since 2011): Ikerbasque Research professor at the Advanced Polymers and Materials of the University of Basque Country, Spain. He has published more than 600 referred papers in the international journals (total number of citations 11317, Citation H-index 57(WOS)/ 14648 and H=65(Google scholar)). A. Zhukov is included in the ‘Ranking of the World Scientists: World´s Top 2 % Scientists” elaborated by Stanford University based on citations, h-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator. A. Zhukov is also included in the Rankings of 175 most relevant researchers in Material Science and of 224 most relevant researchers in Physics residents in Spain, elaborated by the Group for the H-Index dissemination (DIH,, in the ranking of top Materials Science scientists ranking by, in the list of Most cited authors of J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (…) – among the 10 most cited and of Sensors and Actuators A: (…). A. Zhukov edited conference proceedings, chaired several international conference (Donostia International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism (DICNMA), III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 24th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2017)…), several sessions at various international Conferences, gave more than 100 plenary, keynote or invited talks at various international conferences. He is an associate Editor of IEEE Magnetic letters and International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, member of several editorial boards (Crystalas, Sensors by MDPI) and various committees of International Conferences (MMM, Intermag, joint- MMM-Intermag, MISM, ICSM…). A. Zhukov edited two books: “Novel Functional Magnetic Materials” and “High Performance Soft Magnetic Materials”, wrote two books: “Magnetic properties and applications of ferromagnetic microwires with amorphous and nanocrystalline structure” and “Magnetic sensors based on thin magnetically soft wires with tuneable magnetic properties and its applications”, more than 20 book chapters (including one published in the Handbook of Magnetic Materials ed. by Prof. K. Buschow). In 2000 A. Zhukov founded spin-off Company Tamag Iberica S.L. , where he is currently the scientific supervisor.

IEEE Magnetics Society Position History:
  • Present   Associate Editor, IEEE Magnetics Letters (Publications Committee Roster)
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