Can-ming Hu
Can-ming Hu
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Can-Ming Hu graduated in 1988 from Fudan University in China. He received his doctorate degree in 1995 from Wuerzburg University in Germany. From 1998 to 1999, he spent a year at NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Japan working on semiconductor spintronics. In 2005, after receiving the habilitation degree from the University of Hamburg, Germany, he and his group moved to University of Manitoba, Canada, where he became a full professor in 2012. In 2015 his group was the first to develop a method for electrical detection of cavity magnon polaritons, thereby making a strong contribution to the emergence of the new field cavity spintronics.
Prof. Hu has published over 130 technical articles in peer-reviewed journals, including book chapters and invited review articles. He has given about 100 invited presentations on semiconductor physics, spintronics, magnetism, and microwave technologies. He co-organized several international workshops: Spin Mechanics IV (Canada, 2017), Magnetic North III (Canada, 2012), Magnetic North I (Canada, 2010), and International Symposium on Quantum Hall Systems and Quantum Materials (Germany, 2004). He served as a deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics in China, a regional councillor for the Canadian Association of Physicists, and is currently a member of the Commission on Magnetism (C9) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
- 2018-2018 Distinguished Lecturer