Lucian Prejbeanu
Lucian Prejbeanu
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Dr. Ioan Lucian PREJBEANU, Senior Member IEEE, is executive director of SPINTEC research laboratory in France. He holds a PhD in Physics from University of Strasbourg where he made important discoveries in the field of domain wall magnetoresistance in nanowires and of dipolar interactions in arrays of dots. After his PhD, Dr PREJBEANU joined Spintec, where he pioneered scientific work on thermally assisted MRAM. Based on this proof-ofprinciple demonstrated in the framework of the European project NEXT, awarded by the European Descartes Prize for Research in 2006, Dr Prejbeanu participated at the creation of the start-up company Crocus Technology. As R&D Director of Crocus Technology, Dr PREJBEANU led the technological transfer and the research, awarded in 2012 the joint SEE-IEEE Nicolas Brillouin award. Dr PREJBEANU is working actually on new concepts for sub-20nm scalable MRAMs, ultrafast hybrid spintronic-photonic circuits and low noise MTJ-based magnetic sensors in the framework of several EU and industrial funded projects. Dr. PREJBEANU has authored more than 120 scientific publications and book chapters and is inventor of 48 international patents on magnetic memories and magnetic sensors. Dr. PREJBEANU is coordinator of the memory pillar of Spintronic Factory, a European network founded in 2016, co-director of the Upstream Technological Platform PTA, one of main nanofabrication centers of RENATECH, French academic network of nanofabrication technology centers and running member of the Advisory Committee of IEEE Magnetics for a first mandate. He is the co-director of the national exploratory program on spintronics, recently financed In France for a 6 years duration, for a total amount of more than 38M€.
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