Masaaki Futamoto
Masaaki Futamoto
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Prof. Masaaki Futamoto received the B.E., M.E., and Dr degrees in material science from Osaka University in 1971, 1973, and 1982, respectively. He joined Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., in 1973 and worked on electron emissive materials. From 1982 to 1983, he was a visiting scientist at the University of Sussex, U.K. From 1983 to 2003, he has engaged in the research and development of high density magnetic recording, in particular the development of perpendicular magnetic recording media. From 1996 to 2001, he served as the leader of a research group in a Japanese National Project that was established to develop future-oriented magnetic recording technologies. In 2004, he was appointed as a professor of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University.
His research interests include high-density magnetic recording, magnetic recording media, thin film heads, epitaxial growth of thin films, structure and composition characterization of magnetic thin films, and magnetic imaging. He has authored more than 250 scientific papers in the fields of surface science, crystal growth, magnetic recording, and thin film technologies. He is also an inventor of 350 issued patents and patent applications. Professor Futamoto has given invited talks at major international conferences: Intermag, MMM, TMRC, PMRC, MRS, etc.
Prof. Futamoto is a Fellow of the IEEE since 2002. He has served as the chairman of the Technical Committee of Magnetic Recording of IEICE (2000-2002), a member of Committee 144 (Magnetic Recording) of the Japan Society of Promotion of Science (1989-present), and the editorial director for the Magnetics Society of Japan (2003-2007).
Prof. Masaaki Futamoto
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Chuo University
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan
phone: +81-3-3817-1862
fax: +81-3-3817-1847
e-mail: (Click to show email)
- 2011-2011 Distinguished Lecturer