2026 IEEE International Magnetics Conference

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On behalf of the organising committee, I am delighted to invite researchers from around the globe with an interest in all aspects of magnetism and magnetic materials to Manchester, U.K. for the IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2026). The conference will take place 13 – 17 April 2026 and will cover the latest research across the broad spectrum of fundamental and applied magnetism. The technical program will include invited and contributed papers in oral sessions, together with poster sessions allowing presenters to discuss their results in detail. The conference will feature invited symposia, a plenary talk and several special sessions. The Intermag conference series has been a key component of the annual magnetism calendar since 1963, but this is only the third occasion that it has come to the U.K. – the last being in 1990.
We hope you will enjoy the conference and the hospitality of this vibrant city and region.
Tom Thomson – General Chair