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Call for Nominations: IEEE Magnetic Society Awards

Nominations are due July 31, 2024.
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Nominations for the IEEE Magnetics Society Awards are now open for the following categories: 

  • Early Career Award - To recognize a Magnetics Society member, nominated not more than five years after completion of their Ph.D., and who has already shown outstanding scientific or technical achievements which have been significantly beyond the average performance of a person at that career level.

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  • Mid-Career Award - To recognize scientists and engineers at the mid-stages of their career for outstanding research and technological contributions in a field represented by the IEEE Magnetics Society. Eligible are members of the IEEE Magnetics Society in the mid-stages of their career (between 10 to 20 years after completion of the Ph.D., except in the case of significant career interruptions due to family or military service).

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  • Distinguished Service Award - To recognize outstanding service to the Magnetics Society characterized by sustained voluntary service work, which has been significantly beyond the average performance of a person in that function.

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  • Achievement Award - To recognize exceptional technical accomplishments in the field of magnetics and outstanding contributions to the magnetics community.

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