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Request for Proposals for the 2026 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG)

Call for applications for Intermag 2026 in Europe
2 years 7 months ago
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The conference executive committee (CEC) of IEEE Magnetics Society is asking for proposals for the 2026 Intermag Conference to be held in the Europe region.

The Intermag is the flagship annual magnetics conference sponsored by the Magnetics Society. This is the premier conference on all aspects of pure and applied magnetism and is typically attended by approximately 1300-1500 Ph.D.’s and Ph.D. candidates in both engineering and physics from all over the world. This conference has been in existence for more than sixty years and since 2016 the approved stand-alone Intermag site rotation is Americas–Europe–Asia/Pacific. Every third year it is held together with the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) in the USA as a JOINT Conference. Recent host cities in Europe were Amsterdam(2002), Madrid(2008), Dresden(2014), Dublin(2017) and Lyon(2021, turnen to fully virtual).

For further information, please get in contact with Rudi Schaefer (MagSoc CEC chair, (Click to show email)) and
Stephane Mangin (CEC regional liaison for Europe, (Click to show email)).