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Search for New Editor: IEEE Magnetics Society Newsletter

2 years 9 months ago
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The Newsletter of the IEEE Magnetics Society is published four times per year and includes articles on activities, conferences, workshops and other information of interest to Society members, and other people in the area of applied magnetics. The Society's Publications Committee is conducting a search for the next Editor of the Newsletter. The qualified candidate should be a member of the IEEE and the Magnetics Society, and have a background in engineering, physics, materials science, or a related area; prior editorial experience is desirable.

The Editor manages the publication of the Newsletter, including the solicitation and editing of contributions to it. It is an unpaid, volunteer position. The new Editor will have the full support of the outgoing Editor and the Publications Committee. To apply, please submit a brief resume and letter outlining your qualifications and position statement to me via email.

The current Editor, Gareth Hatch, is available to answer questions via email.

By Tom Thomson, Publications Committee Chair