Dynamics, Damping and Defects in Thin Ferromagnetic Films


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Modern disk drives can read and write bits every two nanoseconds, a time scale very similar to the magnetic damping time of the ferromagnetic metals used in the heads. The damping characteristics are also important for thermally-driven magnetic noise in sensors. Furthermore, it seems likely that damping will limit data rates in magnetic random access memory, since the magnetization in a memory cell must be allowed to settle between switching events. For all of these applications, measurements of damping are important, and these measurements are most commonly made by ferromagnetic resonance linewidth. The two problems that complicate measurements of damping by ferromagnetic resonance are: 1) defects contribute to the linewidth, so that the linewidth is the combined effect of defects and damping, and 2) the form of the damping itself is the subject of some debate.

Patterning is perhaps the ultimate form of magnetic inhomogeneity in a thin film. Unlike the spin-wave normal modes of a continuous film, the normal modes of patterned elements are shape and size dependent. The dynamic properties can be addressed using available micromagnetic modeling software to obtain images of the normal mode precession patterns.

In this lecture, I will discuss primarily the role of defects in magnetization dynamics. I will emphasize the competition between interactions, which promotes the collective behavior typified by spin waves, and inhomogeneity, which promotes local behavior. An understanding of these effects allows one to use linewidth data to characterize damping and inhomogeneity separately. I will show examples of line widths and modeling from nominally uniform films, exchange biased films, films with wavy substrates, and films with nonuniform magnetization.