The general charter of the Membership Committee shall be to initiate and carry out activities that will serve to secure new Society and IEEE members and retain existing members.
The Membership Committee consists of the Membership Committee chair, the “Engagement with Young Professionals” representative, and the Chapter and Publicity Committee chairs.
Membership Committee Chair
CountryESPAffiliationSpanish National Research Council, CSICIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Young Professionals Chair
CountryITAAffiliationPolitecnico di BariIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Chapters Committee Chair
IEEE RegionRegion 05 (Southwestern U.S.)
Publicity Committee Chair
CountryNLDAffiliationEindhoven University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)