Electromagnetic Response of Electron Gases Coupled to Magnetic Spin Textures
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I will present our recent results on the electromagnetic response of electron gases coupled to magnetic spin textures. Dynamically moving magnetic moments strongly impact the flow of conduction electrons in solids, here exemplified by:
(1) Emergent Inductance of spiral magnets, where an electric current populates low-lying excitations of the spin texture by spin-transfer torque, temporarily depositing energy. The back-action of the driven spiral onto the electron gas generates a phase-delayed voltage (inductance) [1,2].
(2) Spin chirality of correlated paramagnets in the thermally disordered regime, where chiral interactions – for example of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type – generate a finite expectation value for the ‘scalar’ spin chirality <S∙(S×S)>, although the time-average of <S> is fully collinear [3-5].
[1] N. Nagaosa, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58, 120909 (2019)
[2] T. Yokouchi et al., Nature 586, 232–236 (2020)
[3] W.-T. Hou et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 140403(R) (2017)
[4] K. Kolincio, M. Hirschberger et al., PNAS 118, e2023588118 (2021)
[5] K. Kolincio, M. Hirschberger et al., arXiv:2206.05756 (2022)