The IEEE Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference 2022
Brought to you by the IEEE Magnetics Society
Conference Date
31st August 2022
Program Committee Co-Chairs
May Inn Sim
(Click to show email)
Jan Masell
(Click to show email)
Alberto de la Torre
(Click to show email)
Program Committee Members
Anna Pasynkova
Chengyue Wu
Martin Spasovski
May Inn Sim
Michael Lord
Oliver Paull
Swathi Sakthivel
Abhishek Talapatra
Carmine Stefano Clemente
Ester M. Palmero
Ilona Lecerf
Irene Morales
Jack Harrison
Jan Masell
Krzysztof Sobucki
Ksenia Chichay
Lucas Luding Wang
Maria Salvador
Sonka Reimers
Vivian Andrade
Alberto de la Torre
Daniela Valdes
David Raftrey
Mun Kim
Patricia Rivas
Sam Liu
Syed Adnan Raza
Wesley Brigner
Advisory Board Members
Lukas Körber
(Click to show email)
Purnima Balakrishnan
(Click to show email)
Luis Avilés
(Click to show email)
Jose A. Fernandez-Roldan
(Click to show email)
Samuel Yick
(Click to show email)
Christina Psaroudaki
(Click to show email)
Steering Committee
Helmut Schultheiss (chair)
(Click to show email)
Hans Nembach (past-chair)
(Click to show email)
Matthew Pufall (incoming-chair)
(Click to show email)
Brian Kirby
(Click to show email)
Sara Majetich
(Click to show email)
Mingzhong Wu
(Click to show email)
Yizheng Wu
(Click to show email)
Registration is open until 24 August 2022. Register here.
About the Conference
Welcome to the 2022 Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference (AtC-AtG), which will be held online on the 31st of August 2022. AtC-AtG is a 24-hour non-stop virtual conference with speakers from all over the world passing the baton to each other, with exciting contributed talks from students and post-doctoral researchers, and intriguing invited talks by emerging and senior scientists. Join, interact, and network at any time – for free.
The scope of the conference is to bring together early-stage researchers through a series of oral and poster presentations, coupled with networking opportunities and exciting competitions, providing an international platform to facilitate interaction and discussion of recent progress and trends in the field of magnetism, ranging from fundamental to applied aspects.
The Conference started in 2020 to promote interactions between the younger members of the global magnetism community and has proved to be a huge success. Following that, the 2021 AtC-AtG edition joined together more than 500 scientists, with 70 contributed talks and 100 posters, showcasing both research excellence and diversity. Join us for the exciting new 2022 edition!
- Take a look at the 2022 AtC-AtG Program at a Glance and Conference Program.
- The Conference Booklet is available here.
- Don’t miss the AtC-AtG YouTube channel, and have an insight of last year’s conference!
- Invited talks and tutorials from leading experts in magnetism
- Covers all continents and time zones
- Poster sessions
- Cross-regional multi-discipline networking opportunities
- Interactive live online broadcasting with questions and discussions
- Free to attend – NO REGISTRATION FEE
Important Dates
- Abstract submission closed on the 3rd of July 2022 (extended)
- Registration opens: 1st May 2022 (Registration is now open)
- Registration closes: 24th August 2022
- Contributed poster upload: 24th August 2022
- Artistic image upload:
28th May 202230th Aug 2022 - Meme image upload:
31st August 202230th Aug 2022
Abstract Submission
Abstracts must report an original and substantial advance in magnetism and magnetic materials, including the email address of the corresponding author, and be written in clear English.
Abstract submission is closed.
Abstracts' decisions have been announced to the corresponding authors via e-mail.
Registration is free of charge. The registration deadline is the 24th of August 2022.
View the IEEE Event Terms and Conditions
Author Guidelines
Oral Contributions
Oral talks will be assigned 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions, and will be delivered live via the video conferencing platform Zoom. By submitting your abstract you agree that your oral talk, if selected, will be recorded and streamed via an online platform. These records could be used for promotion of the conference and activities of the IEEE and IEEE Magnetics Society.
Poster Contributions
Please read below the instructions on preparing your poster, and some guidelines on the poster session. The poster upload deadline is on the 19th August 23.59 UTC 24th of August at 23:59 UTC.
Poster and graphical abstract formats
Presenters are required to upload and submit a single .ZIP file containing (1) their poster and (2) their graphical abstract, both as either .JPG or .PNG here before 24th August 23.59 UTC.
- A poster/slide (.jpg or .png, maximum size 1920px (width) by 1080px (height), max 3MB file size). If you are doing your poster in PowerPoint, consider the default quality is set at 1280px by 720px. Check here how to change this to the preferred quality.
- A graphical abstract (.jpg or .png, maximum size 400px (width), 100px (height), max 3MB file size, 4:1 landscape format recommended).
- Please note that we do not accept PDF or any other format besides jpg and/or png.
- The graphical abstract should visually summarize the content of your poster and is supposed to advertise your poster during the session. It will be visible to people as they walk by the poster booths before they zoom in to read the whole poster.
- Optionally, a link to a short supplementary video about your poster (has to be uploaded by the presenter to YouTube or Vimeo, no longer than 3-5 minutes).
Poster session
Poster sessions will be held interactively in and presenters must be available for questions there during the whole session. The link for the conference will be provided by email to all registered attendees.
Within the poster session room, every presenter will have their own poster booth. This booth includes your pinned poster and a whiteboard which allows writing and schemas during your discussions. Additionally, screen sharing is possible at all times.
Take a look at the poster session platform:
Gather | A better way to meet online.
During these interactive poster sessions, we will have plenty of cross-regional and multi-disciplined networking opportunities as well as the chance to have a virtual beer with your favorite invited speakers! 🍻
Social Activities - New and exciting!
During the conference we will have different exciting and fun activities in Don’t miss the opportunity to participate and prepare your coffee/beer to virtually hang out with us!
Invited speakers Q/A off-topic session
Grab a glass and join us at the bar where you will be served by our amazing invited speakers. Prepare your questions and sit to learn and enjoy!
Job Advertising / Open positions room
If you have any open position, this is the best place to announce it and look for candidates. There will be a room where the participants can go to look around to search for new positions or job opportunities.
For employers, please provide the following information for the organizers:
- Position/name of the project
- Information about the institution / the group (the name of leader, localization, etc.)
- Requirements for the candidates
- Short characteristic of the position/scope of the project
- Contact information
Our fierce and funny competitions
We are happy to announce two competitions which would provide another view of magnetism and science. We have two modalities:
-Scientific picture competition. Showcase the beauty in magnetism and let your artistic side go wild. Photographs and images will be rated by the organizing committee and the registered public, in terms of their aesthetic quality and their ability to inspire and amaze, to convey or illustrate knowledge regarding the scope of the conference.
-Meme competition. Send your modified picture or image to have an epic battle of humor and creativity. “Reviewer number 2” would not be happy with this competition, but let’s laugh!
Vote for your favourite - Art/Meme Competition

Prepare your cameras, microscopes, and pictures, then submit your memes and images here. Please note that you have to register for the conference in order to participate.
The competition Guidelines are available here.
All contributions must respect the IEEE code of conduct.
Invited Speakers
Get to know our invited speakers by clicking on a name from the list below.
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Visualising Three-dimensional Spin Textures
Interacting Topological Magnons
Advances in Magnetic Force Microscopy
Genetically Controlled Magnetic Nanocompartments for Cell Manipulation
Frustrated Skyrmions and Bimerons
Topological Spin Transport in Two-dimensional Magnets
Design and Synthesis of Nanoparticle Tracers for Magnetic Particle Imaging
Detection of 2D Magnetic States with Spin Hall Effects
Fluctuations Spin Dynamics and Electronic Transport: Emergent Inductance and Chiral
Hybrid Magnetic Nanoparticles: from Synthesis to Applications