Standards Adhoc Committee

Standards Committee Meeting - Sep 27, 2024

The next General Meeting of the IEEE Magnetic Society Standard committee will be held on September 27th, 2024, at 10:30AM USA Eastern Time (10:30 AM New York, 7:30 AM San Francisco, 3:30 PM London, 8 PM Delhi India, 10:30 PM Taiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - Beijing, 11:30 PM Tokyo). The meeting link is given below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 987 7100 9946
Passcode: 377578


  1. Call to Order (Check quorum)
  2. IEEE Policies (Patent, copyright and behavior participation slides)
  3. Introduction and Affiliation Declarations
  4. Approval of the Agenda
  5. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
  6. Report from Chair
    1. Magnetics Standards Summit 2024 ( 29 May 2024, 10 am - 12:45 pm)
    2. Working Group Policy and Procedure Document
  7. Manuscript progress from the Magnetics Standards Summit 2024
  8. Magnetics Standards Summit 2025
  9. Reports from Technical Subcommittee Chairs
  10. Progress Updates of PARs and Working Groups
  11. Technical Subcommittee Officers (2025 to 2026)
  12. Open Forum Discussion
  13. Future meetings: Informal meeting (~November), 5th General Meeting (13 Feb 2025)
  14. Adjourn

Standards Committee Meeting - Sep 29, 2023

Sep 29, 2023 at 10:30am EST (7:30am San Francisco, 3:30pm London, 8pm Delhi India, 10:30pm Taiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - Beijing, 10:30pm Tokyo)


  1. Call to Order
  2. Introduction and Affiliation Declarations
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
  5. Report from Chair
  6. Officers appointment of Technical Subcommittees
  7. Technical topics and mission statement of Technical Subcommittees
  8. Work scope and future actions of Technical Subcommittees
  9. Consideration of Project Authorization Request (PAR) Forms
  10. Discussion(s)
  11. New business
  12. Future meetings
  13. Adjourn

Standards Committee Meeting - May 31 2023

May 31 2023 at 9:30am EST (6:30am San Francisco, 2:30pm London, 7pm Delhi India, 9:30pm Taiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - Beijing, 10:30pm Tokyo)

1. Call to Order
2. Formation of Technical Subcommittees, chairs and officers appointment
3. Scope of works of Technical Subcommittees
4. Future Actions of Technical Subcommittees
5. Publication in TMAG / Newsletters regarding standard developments and activities
6. Liaisons with other IEEE Societies
7. Discussion(s)
8. New business
9. Future meetings
10. Adjourn

Follow-up Q&A session at 9pm EST (May 31 2023).
In this Follow-up Q&A session, a quick recap of the main meeting will be given and then an open forum:

Magnetics Standards Summit - Kick-Off Meetings

If you are interested to participate and contribute ideas, please register on the Google form

Sensors, communications, instrumentation, and measurement

Kick-off meeting: March 5, Tuesday, 3:00pm GMT

Spintronics & recording

Kick-off meeting: March 8, Friday, 9:00 AM MST
Zoom -

Power, energy, machine, and environment
Kick-off meeting: March 28, Thursday, 10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Microsoft Teams 

Bio, interdisciplinary, and emerging topics
Kick-off meeting: April 26, Friday, 9:00 AM EST
Zoom -

Materials and phenomena
Kick-off meeting: April 11, Thursday, 10:00 AM CST
Webex -


Example papers for TMAG/MagSoc Newsletters

Standardization of the 5th Generation Fixed Network for Enabling End-to-End Network Slicing and Quality-Assured Services

Online Educational Workshop (Apr 3 2023)

"Importance of standards and impacts/benefits to academia and industry". Speaker: Edward Au, Distinguished Engineer, Huawei, Canada

PDF Video

The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and coordination of one or more standards projects including their maintenance after their approval as standards by the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board (SASB).

27 Oct 2022 - Kick-off Meeting (Agenda)

Policies and Procedures for Standards Development for the IEEE Magnetics Society Standards Committee All Working Groups